1 - New Superhero

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Dashing through the rooftops of Paris, the two superheroes chased down the villain who seemed to be running at the speed of light

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Dashing through the rooftops of Paris, the two superheroes chased down the villain who seemed to be running at the speed of light.

"We'll never catch him at this rate." The hero in black leather with cat ears stated as he continued to run alongside the hero in red and black.

"That's why we need my lu-" Before the blue haired girl could complete her sentence, a gush of wind slapped the hero's faces causing them to halt in their steps. A trail of smoke faded through the air, confusing the two hero's as they watched the grey smoke begin to vanish.

"What was that?" The blond boy questioned as he lifted his finger, pointing at the trail of smoke. Ignoring his question, she started to run after the trail of smoke leaving the poor emerald boy heaving a sigh before he too began following the faded grey hue.

As the heroes reached the end of the smoke, their jaws were left hanging as they witnessed something they could never imagine. A hero in black leather was fighting off the villain.

"Who are you?" The villain spat out as he continued to zoom around, a blue streak of electricity emitting from him.

"Doesn't matter as long as I stop you." The new hero replied cockily before halting in her steps.

"And how will you do that? I'm faster then light." A smug grin plastered his face as he eyed the new hero in amusement.

"Like this." Immediately, the new heroine clapped her hands together. A gush of air escaped from the clap causing the villain to latch his hands over his ears as the air caused his ears to ring at an immensely high pitched tone.

Grunts and whimpers escaped from the villain causing him to fall to the floor whilst clutching onto his ears in agony. The sound of the hero's steps was barely registered by the speedster until a shadow cascaded over him. Struggling to keep his eyes open, he let out a strangled groan as he felt his emblem being pulled out from the centre of his chest by the girl in leather.

"N-no..." Rolling her eyes at the boys words, she dropped the blue emblem shaped in a lightning bolt to the ground before stepping on it with the heel of her foot. A purple butterfly flew out of the broken emblem causing the villains suit to vanish leaving him in his pants and shirts.

"I think that's your cue Ladybug." The masked girl spoke out loud, gaining the attention of both the heroes who were frozen in place. Frozen in shock and astonishment as they had witnessed a new hero defeating a villain so effortlessly. A little too effortlessly.

"Ri-right." The pale girl squeaked out before making her way towards the new hero. Pulling her yo-yo out, she began to spin it a few times until she threw it in the air. Catching the violet butterfly, within seconds it left her yo-yo compartment in an angelic white colour. Flying away in the sky. Ladybug's gaze shifted from the butterfly to the hero in black leather to the boy hunching on the ground in fear. She kneeled down towards him, placing her hand over his shoulder.

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