10 - Cat Fight till the Death

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Dodging a blow from the masked girl, a smirk crept on the blonde's face as he let out a little tsk

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Dodging a blow from the masked girl, a smirk crept on the blonde's face as he let out a little tsk.

“Not fast enough, my Queen.” The latter rolled her hazel orbs at his words before continuing to thrust and launch multiple punches and kicks at the agile hero.

After the two’s flirting session, Chat Noir suggested that the two of them should spar against one another in order to become hefty and ready for when they come face to face with the villain dressed in purple. Black Beauty agreed, concluding how practicing their fighting technique would make them more stronger against Hawkmoth. In response, a wide grin plastered the male’s face before he stood on his feet, getting in a fighting stance. Cracking his neck, he observed how the slim heroine sauntered towards him until she was standing opposite him in a similar fighting stance to his. Mischief glinted in Chat Noir's emerald orbs as he recalled his sinful desires of brawling against her until he had her pinned underneath him whilst he straddled her. He couldn't help but lick his bottom lip before dodging one of Black Beauty's jabs.

“Shouldn't you show more respect to your Queen, peasant?” The long haired girl played along, earning a snort from the muscular hero. Swerving away from the feline’s kicks and strikes, Black Beauty managed to land a solid uppercut to the blonde's jaw. Flinching back, a groan escaped from the latter's mouth as he gripped his chin. Meeting the tanned girl's hazel orbs, Chat Noir spoke in a deep voice.

“Nice jab, my Queen.”

“Why thank you my dear peasant.” Instantly, the hero in black leather dashed towards the petite girl, launching rapid strikes at the tanned girl who was able to dodge each one. Speedily, Black Beauty noticed how the male had left his left side open for a few seconds and immediately thrusted a harsh jab at his ribs. Before the blonde could retaliate, the hazel orbd girl sweeped his leg. Swiftly, she straddled his hips before grasping his wrists in her arms and locking them to each side of his face against the rooftop.

Their uneven breathing filled the atmosphere as they locked eyes. Chat Noir couldn't help but bite his bottom lip as he realized how the girl he had moments ago thought of commiting sinful and devious acts was now occurring, except for the fact that she was pinning him down instead of the other way around.

“Seems like I won, my Kitty.” The hero’s emerald orbs dilated as he replayed her words.

“My Kitty.”

“You can finish me off, my Queen.” A smirk crept on the feline's face as lust consumed his emerald orbs. Immediately Black Beauty comprehend his words and felt his lower region harden and poke at her groin earning a low mewl to escape her lips. The blonde’s heart began to pound in his chest as he replayed the moan she let out. Shaking her head, she leaned towards the masked boy, their lips inches apart. Noses skimming against each other. Breaths fanning against one another.

“You sure about that my little peasant? You might not be able to handle it.” A glint of passion highlighted the tanned girl's chocolate orbs.

“You'd be surprised at what I can handle, my Queen.” A snicker erupted from Black Beauty's lips as she rolled her hazel eyes at his teasing comment.

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