Chapter 18: All is fine until Entei isn't

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We were almost to Mahogany Town when Suicune stopped right in front of us. 'Someone I know is here.... I don't think they will like what they see....' Suicune said looking depressed. Green and Red shared a look before looking at me. I completely understood what they were thinking. I was scared of being outcasted by them when they found out about my past.

"Suicune" I soothed as I kneeled down beside the blue beast. "I don't think Entei or Raikou will think of you any different when they see who you are with. And if anything Charz can try to convince them that they should respect your wishes." I whispered. 'Thanks Dragoon, but I know them and they aren't always forgiving. It may end up being a fight. I wish I could avoid them right now' the beast sighed. I got up and continued walking but right in front of the beast. Try and Dude looked at me funny but gave in and kept walking.

We soon got to a lake beside a cave, so we decided it would be great place to eat lunch while our pokemon played. I let out Kingdra and he swam around with Gyara and Gater, while Poli floated by the edge and watched. Tar stayed by me while I prepared Lunch for the boys since they can't cook what-so-ever. Lugia sat beside me, watching with its wings at it's side and looked like a perched bird. Tar floated at the other side of me. Charz was curled up and napped wile I used his tail to cook. Dactyl, Aero and Amp were running. Well Amp was while the two prehistoric pokemon flew close the ground. Umbro was curled up in a ball beside Charz asleep while the rest were over by the boys.

After we ate we left again, but didn't get two steps from where we were before Suicune shouted in our minds HELP. Well I say all because of the way the boys were holding their ears and wincing, I'd say they got the message too.

"Lugia where is Suicune?!" I asked worried something may of happened. Since Lugia was the biggest pokemon I owned, I could only rely on it to find the beast. It moved it's neck and nudged towards the water. I ran over to the lake and saw brown fur.

"Shit! Guys, Suicune is in trouble!" I screamed at them. Gater got in the water and I hopped on his back surfboard-style and he swam toward where Entei wand Suicune were.

"Ok so how does it stay on the water if it's a fire type?" Try asked while sitting on Gyara's head with Red and Dude. Green sat on Blastiose's shell. 'Dragoon get way from here!' Suicune barked at me while it said that in my mind. 'Sorry but you aren't a part of our team to fight your battles alone. We will fight with you!" I yelled, a little aggravated at the blue beast. 'So the human girl is called Dragoon' I heard a voice that was deeper than Suicune but not as deep as Lugia. 'Suicune has added you to the conversation it looks like. Sorry Dragoon you may hear things that are not ment for a human to hear' Lugia piped in in my head. Ugh! When will this end? It will be nice when all people and pokemon can get along.

'SUICUNE YOU ARE A TRAITOR TO RAIKOU AND ME!!!!!!!! YOU MUST BE PUNISHED FOR SIDING WITH THE HUMANS AS THEY ALL ARE EVIL AND WANT TO KILL US FOR FUN!!!!!' Entei roared. I winced at the feeling of my brain getting rattled around in my head. I knew the beasts didn't like humans for reasons but Entei haven't met people that will be nice to pokemon and treat them as friends and love them unconditionally. 'Like you?' Lugia asked. Woah, didn't know Lugia could read thoughts... Interesting. 'Lugia could you grab Ho-oh please?'

'Ho-oh will laugh at me when it finds out I got captured.' Lugia sighed. 'Tell it why you chose me then. I want this fight to be over so we can get to the next town over. There is a gyarados that needs to be calmed down. I think we have the right person on our team to help with that.' I said as Lugia nodded took into the sky from its duck position in the water.

"Yo dragoon, where the heck is your legendary taking off to?' Green asked. He didn't mean to but that caught Entei's attention. 'HOW MANY LEGENDARIES ARE YOU PLANNING ON ENSLAVING HUMAN?' Entei growled. 'SHE is a great human Entei! She has been nothing but kind to me and Lugia as well as the rest of her pokemon.' Suicune answered for me. Knowing me though, I probably would of thought of some witty answer and that would of got me in more trouble than I am now.

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