Chapter Five

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That was the only thing Seana could think to say in reaction to what she saw in front of her.

"How what?" Loki returned.

"How did you get to be head of the TVA?!" Seana reiterated, her tone bordering on hostility.

Taking note of it, Loki calmly shared his story. "I was summoned here by visions...visions from a life that I've never lived. It was only when I came here that I realized I was seeing through the eyes of my variant – a Loki who made the ultimate sacrifice for the whole of the multiverse. His actions baffled me at first, and then they motivated me. I wanted to be as good as he was. So, I decided to serve a higher purpose rather than a glorious one.

My first act was to ensure the protection of Earth-M, which this sector of the TVA monitors. There've been multiple rifts that have opened around the dimension, but neither I nor our sources have been able to determine the source of the problem. That's why I've hired Rick Sanchez and your, your mother...I'm still not entirely sure how that works."

"She's me dad," Seana clarified. "And dat's besides de point 'ere!"

"You're right," Loki concurred. "Earth-M is at stake, and with you and your father together, I truly believe we can get things done much faster."

Seana huffed. "I don't trust any variant of ya, Loki – no matter how good. But I ain't one tah just sit by and watch an entire world get destroyed. So...I'll go along with ya, so long as ya don't feck me over."

Loki frowned at her Irish lingo. "Even if I knew what that meant, you have my promise that I won't."

Miya stepped in with one of the pads that Seana saw Mobius carrying in the alley. Seana saw how it displayed a map of New York area. "Most of the rifts have occurred in the Upper West Side of Manhattan," Miya indicated the spots on the digital map.

"Dat's where Craig and I first landed, in de Arconia," Seana said.

"Craig's in Earth-M?!" Miya beamed with delight. "Aww! How's the lil' fella doin'? I haven't seen him since our lil' adventure aboard Discovery—"

"Later, Pop-Pop," Seana belayed. "Let's focus on the rifts."

Miya cleared her throat, returning to her serious mode. "Right. So, I've determined the next rift to hit somewhere within a five-mile radius in the next nine hours or so."

Seana gave an affirmed nod. "Den dat's where we'll start."


With the temporal functions of the TVA's time portals, Seana and Miya arrived nine hours later from the moment Seana stepped through the alley portal. It was like no time had passed at all for them, whereas the daytime had turned to dusk over New York City. They established a suitable vantage point from the roof of the Arconia.

"Brrrr!" Miya shivered whilst keeping an eye on her rift detector, a handheld device that she invented to make a DING sound when a rift was detected. "Man, is it brisk up here! I forget just how cold New York is, this time of the year."

"Uh-huh," Seana muttered. Perched upon one edge of the rooftop, her focus was towards a specific street corner.

Meanwhile, Miya couldn't refrain from shivering; the rift detector twitched in her unsteady grip. "I-I-I s-should've b-brought a-a b-bigger c-c-c-coat! I'm g-gonna f-freeze m-my b-butt o-off!"

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