Chapter Seven

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Neas and Aznavorian had seen a lot of oddities in their time together and apart within the Infinite DC. This "Green Goblin" character was no exception. The goblin aspect of his villainous schtick overall came from his helmet; and he was certainly green in apparel. None of it intimidated Seana or Miya – not at least as much as it had Kermit, Fozzie, and Gonzo. Even little Clifton kept some semblance of serenity, despite being the Goblin's primary target, for some reason.

After handing him over to Miya, Seana challenged the Goblin, "Yer gonna have tah go thru me tah get 'im, ya bleedin' leprechaun!" Accepting her challenge, the Goblin proceeded to rocket down towards them. Her body tensing, Seana instructed Miya and the others, "Take cover now!"

Miya didn't want to leave her alone to face the Goblin; but, with Clifton in her arms and three Muppet civilians to protect, she had no choice. They ducked behind a red sportscar parked close by, while Seana drew out her trans-temporal sonic screwdriver. Aiming it at the Goblin's glider, she triggered a malfunction with the press of a button.

Almost knocked off, the Goblin maintained his balance by crouching down much lower and gripping the glider's front edge. He swerved just in time to narrowly avoid colliding into a building. The glider grinded to a halt, hovering along the third story of the building long enough for the Goblin to reach into his glider and retrieve a small, orb-shaped device that glowed green and ticked when activated.

"I have enough redheaded harlots getting in my way!" The Goblin bellowed right before he hurled the device towards Seana.

She watched as it soared her way, seeing how it resembled a pumpkin with its orange metallic shell and green lights emitting from its top and through etchings in the shell itself. In the time she had to marvel over such a creative weapon, she could have avoided the destructive explosion that it detonated at point-blank range.

The force of the blast was powerful; the shockwave knocking Seana off her feet and through the wall of the warehouse. Everything within radius of her suffered devastating damages – a fire hydrant, half of a freight truck, and a portion of the warehouse's foundation.

"NEAS!!!" Miya shrieked. Her mortified cries were too much for Clifton's sensitive ears, scaring the child into tears.

Hearing them, the Goblin turned his glider their way and snarled beneath his mask, "Now...where were we?" Miya glared at him, fueled by rage over what the green menace had done to her daughter. She was prepared to hand Clifton over to Fozzie and do whatever necessary to avenge Neas, until...

"Oi! Leprechaun!"

Miya was extremely relieved to hear Seana's voice come from the smoldering devastation created by the Goblin's pumpkin bomb. She emerged from the smoke with only a few scratches – one on her left arm drawing blood that trickled down to her hand. Fragments of her green military jacket and the lower half of her sweatshirt singed off from the blast, leaving her biceps and abdominals exposed and flexed in a fit of anger.

 Fragments of her green military jacket and the lower half of her sweatshirt singed off from the blast, leaving her biceps and abdominals exposed and flexed in a fit of anger

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