Chapter Eight

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Riding with the S.W.O.R.D. convoy was a little awkward for Craig. No one said a word the entire ride through the New York streets – not even Lunella. She made it very clear that she was upset with him for not telling her about being from another dimension. Of course, he had more than enough reason himself to be upset right back for her being a superhero the whole time.

It wouldn't have mattered for him either way, as they finally arrived at the rendezvous point – a dark, secluded area of Central Park. Craig was very confused when everyone got out of their vehicles and gathered near one vacant spot. "What's going on?" he asked the Doctor, the only one in the group he felt comfortable talking with.

"Oh, you're gonna love this bit, Craig," the Doctor said, pointing to Agent Livingston, who pressed a button on his wristband device.

Suddenly, a pillar of clear blue light shot down from the night sky, illuminating the area. Craig was taken aback by it, thinking it was some sort of stairway to heaven. He looked up to see where the light was coming from, but he could only see the stars. But then something began to descend down the beam of light – some sort of white, hexagonal transport that was big enough to fit the entire group. Once it gracefully touched down to the earth, they boarded it.

The interior reminded Craig much of the TARDIS.

It was almost alien in design, like something straight out of the future.

There were seats available near the panoramic windows, offering a majestic view of the ascent from Earth to whatever was at the top of the beam.

            Craig felt the gravity shift around him, feeling weighed down at first and getting lighter as soon as they were out of the Earth's gravitational field

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Craig felt the gravity shift around him, feeling weighed down at first and getting lighter as soon as they were out of the Earth's gravitational field. They should've been floating at that point, but something was still keeping everyone on their feet (or their butts, if they were sitting). He recalled Neas and Aznavorian mentioning 'artificial gravity' once and figured this to be exactly that.

"Is elevator?" Craig found himself consulting with the Doctor again.

"It's a space elevator!" The Doctor gleefully elaborated. "And it's taking us straight up to the S.A.B.E.R. space station."

"The S.A.B.E.R. space station?" Craig frowned.

The Doctor pointed straight up, prompting Craig to look out the window. He saw that indeed the space elevator was bringing them to a colossal space station that orbited the planet. The station itself, from what Craig could tell, looked like two large Frisbees sitting on top of each other with a long, upside-down tower underneath them. It was the tower portion through which their elevator ascended. The panoramic view of the Earth and stars had momentarily turned dark before multiple levels of the space station blurred past the windows.

 The panoramic view of the Earth and stars had momentarily turned dark before multiple levels of the space station blurred past the windows

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 07 ⏰

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