part 7

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"I am telling you jungkook. If you don't want then directly refused them. They have no right to order you around. You are no some kind of doll that they can use as they want," felix said trying to provoke jk more

"What did you think I didn't deny?," jk said in anger

"Then what they say," felix asked want to know more

"Dad said he will evict me from the property and disown me," jk said and felix wide his eyes at jk statement

Silence filled in the room. Felix looked at jk who is looking down

"How can he even do that. You have every right on that property. Look I tell you its all because of your brother jungkook. He is misleading your dad to evict you that he can have whole property," felix said

Jk immediately looked at him with angry face

"Shut up felix. I know my brother. He can't do this. He love me more than my parents. And what do you and they think I am hungry of that property. Why don't anyone understand I don't want money or any share in property" jk said in anger

"But jungkook," felix said

"I said shut up. I don't want to hear anything. I am going bye," jk said and without hearing single word from felux he left

Felix looked at the door with angry face and kicked the table in anger.

"Idiot," felix said in anger

Next day, In kim house

Taehyung is cooking lunch with maids. He is so happy today because today morning mr jeon called mr kim and told that jungkook is ready for this marriage.

Whole house is teasing tae so much because jeon said they are coming after a week to set the marriage date.

"Son, what are you making,"

Tae hear his mom voice and he turn around. He smiled looking at his mom

"Its surprise," tae said with boxy smile

Mrs kim chuckled and come close to tae and stand beside him. Tae get busy with work and mrs kim looked at tae. She caressed tae hair and tae looked at her

"Are you happy tae. Are you happy with this marriage," mrs kim asked

Tae looked down shyly and slowly nodded. A big smile form on her lips and she hugged him.

"That's a relief. I am sure he will take care of you and loved you like us," mrs kim said with glossy eyes

"No one can love me more then my parents," tae mumbled and hugged his mom tightly.

Mr kim also come and joined the hug. Like they decide jeon family come to kim house to select the marriage date. But jk didn't come which make tae sad. Kim couple asked about jk. But jeon said that he is out of city with his friends

Basically jk directly refused to come and left from the house and didn't come back next day. Jeon's also don't know that where is jk. Because jk didn't even receive their call.

Jimin felt bad. He really didn't want this marriage to happen. But he have no choice. Jimin himself asked tae if he is ok with this marriage or not. But he sigh when tae said he is happy.

They all selected the date of marriage which will be after 1 month. All congrats each other and jeon family really loved shy tae. They saw how the poor boy become red. Which make all of them to cooed at his cuteness

Right now jimin and tae is in garden while all other is talking about marriage arrangements and other things. Both are talking with each other.

"Hyungie, can I asked you something if you don't mind," tae asked while biting his lower lips

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