part 22

359 34 7

At mid night

Jk suddenly woke up from his peaceful sleep. He looked at the side and found tae is sleeping on the couch. Tae body is covered with the blanket. Jk can see tae face clearly, which is glowing in the moon light. Tae had cute pout on his lips while sleeping.

Jk heart beat increased but he immediately looked away from tae. He started to stare at celling while lot of thoughts started to come to his mind. A thought which always hunt him. Which always hurt him. Which is reason of why he is like that now.

Jk started to remember all the love and care he get from his family in this last 1 week. After so long he spend this much time with his family again, which make him doubtful now. He is confused and doubtful.

First always he think "why mom dad, why you both did this to me?," but now the question which is hunting him is "did they really are the reason, if not then who is wrong here,"

"There must be something which I am missing. There is something which I don't know. Mom, dad, hyung all are same like before. I was the one who back away from their love but in this week I realised they are same. There love and care are same. They are the same family which I used to love more than myself.  Then how can I be so selfish, " jk lost in his thoughts

"I need to find the truth as soon as I get well," jk said to himself

Jk again looked at tae and saw how peacefully tae was sleeping. He felt so thirsty. He look at night stand and saw a glass of water. He move a little to get up but groan when felt a layer of pain run to his whole body. His body is so sour because of bad injuries.

His hands started to tremble because of too much pain. But he somehow get up a little and try to reach the glass with his trembling hand. Jk groan in too much pain and tae immediately woke up from his sleep in panic.

"What happened. Are you ok. Are you hurting somewhere," tae asked in one breath

"Give me second taehyung," jk said taking breath

Tae stop his questions and his name from jk mouth did a huge effect on his little heart.

"I am fine, just thirsty," jk said looking at tae

"Ahhh you make me worried for nothing jeon," tae groan glaring at jk

Jk roll his eyes at tae dramatic behaviour. In this week being with tae, jk clearly understand that tae is so dramatic. He love to get princess treatment and if anyone ignore him from family he sulk like a baby.

"If you are done, then give me water," jk said rolling his eyes

Tae looked at jk eyes roll and raised his brow. He stand up and put his hands on his waist and said

"Asked me nicely," tae said with smirk

"What," jk asked with raised brow

"Come on asked me nicely," tae again said

"Not in this life," jk said glaring at tae

"Then there is no water for you," tae said and took the glass of water and drink a sip

Jk wide his eyes at tae action. He glare at tae because he really want to drink water.

"What did you decided. Are you going to ask or I will drink whole water and sleep peacefully," tae asked and jk glare at him

"Can you give me water?," jk said and tae smirk but hide his smirk

"Is this what you called nicely because I not," tae said looking at jk

"You are going too far taehyung," jk said glaring at jk

"I think you don't want it," tae said with glare and jk close his eyes

"Can you please give me water," jk said with most soften tone and tae smirk widely

"What you said," tae asked acting like he didn't hear

Jk breath heavily to control himself to brust on tae. Tae smirk at jk reaction he really love to tease jk. Its kind of fun.

"Taehyung can you please give me water?," tae said with tight lip smile looking at tae who smirk widely

"Sure mr jeon," tae said sassily and jk sigh in relief

Tae put the glass on nightstand and move towards jk. He curl his one arm around jk neck which make jk to look at him

"Get up without straining. Just held me and slowly get up ok," tae whispered with fast heart beat and jk nodded

Closeness with jk make tae heart go crazy. Jk touch make him weak but he know that also that he have to control his all feeling or he will be hurt badly

Tae pull jk up and jk held tae tiny waist with his left hand which really amazed jk. Tae focus was on jk plaster areas. He want to make sure that jk will not get hurt while he is getting up.

While jk's whole attention was on tae. He is looking at tae. There is a frown on tae face, which looking so cute. He looked at tae ocean eyes which was on jk arm and leg. He looked at tae nose, bread cheek, fair skin and perfect jaw. Now jk really admit that tae is a beautiful boy.

"Are you ok," tae asked and finally jk come out from his world

"Huh," jk said in confusion

"You are already sitting so I am asking are you comfortable," tae said and jk immediately nodded

"Don't tell me you are admiring me secretly," tae said with taesing smile

For a second jk wide his eyes because this is true but is jk going to accept it than never. Jk looked at tae with raised brow

"In your dreams," jk said and tae glare at him

"Idiot," tae mumble and move forward to get the glass of water

Tae face went close to jk face which tae didn't noticed but jk breath hitched for the first time. He take long breath and inheal tae sweet scent. Jk hand was still on tae's waist.........after taking glass tae back away and looked at jk who already looking at him

"Drink," tae whispered, bringing the glass near to jk lips

Both make eyes contact. Noone is ready to look away. Glass corner is resting on jk lips. Jk open his mouth and drink the water still looking at tae..........tae felt really nervous under jk intense stare. Its like his all confidence and sassiness drain out from his body. He bite his bottom lips which make huge effect on jk.

Tae gulp when he felt jk unknowingly squeezed his waist lightly. Both get so much lost in each other eyes. Moon light making tae glowing skin glow even more. Jk eyes landed on tae pink glossy lips which tae is biting mercilessly. Jk roll his tongue looking at tae lips

"W-water is f-finished," tae whisperd and looked down immediately

Jk come back to senses and looked at tae who is looking down while biting his lip. Jk fake cough and tae immediately put the glass back. Both heart was beating so fast

"N-now sleep," tae said avoiding to look at jk

Tae carefully make jk lay down again and covered him with blanket. After making jk lay tae hurriedly went to washroom and licked the door with racing heartbeat

Meanwhile, jk lick his lip. He frown at his own change of behaviour. What suddenly happened that he started to look at tae in that way.

"But he is so beautiful," jk thought

"What's wrong with you jk. I think you got hit on your head also," jk scold himself and close his eyes to sleep and forget all what he was thinking

Soon tae come out from washroom and looked at jk who is laying with closed eyes. Tae bite his bottom lip once again  and lay down on couch. After lastly looking at jk, tae finally closed his eyes.

Soon both slept with different kind of feelings and emotions in their heart.

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