part 2

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In the beautiful mansion, which anyone can doubt as Palace of some king, whole family is sitting on dinning table having their breakfast.Its jeons mansion. And the jeon family is sitting togather having their breakfast.

"So there is a good news for all of you," mr jeon said and all looked up

"What is it honey," mrs jeon asked

Mr jeon looked at her wife and smile softly because he know after getting the news she will be the one who are going to be most happy and excited in all of them.

"We are leaving to Bukchon Hanok Village today," mr jeon said and as he expect he get same wide smile and shiny eyes of his wife

"Really," mr jeon asked excitedly and mr jeon nodded

"Oh my god, I can't believe we are finally going there," she said excitedly making mr jeon chuckled

There are different expressions on everyone faces after getting the news. Someone is excited, someone is happy, someone is feeling relax, but there is someone who is sitting with less care to even listen.

"Wow dad, finally after 4 years. We are going to meet Kims," jhope said with wide smile

"I am also very excited to meet them. I really heard alot about them. Most of taehyung. I really want to see how he look and how was his behaviour," jimin said excitedly

Jimin heard lot about taehyung because every then and now jeon couple talk about him. Finally his wish is going to come true of meeting taehyung.

Mr Kim and jeon were really good friends from childhood and to their coincidence they fall in love with bestie. That why mr kim and jeon,or mrs kim and jeon were relly close to each other. Kim was living in village while jeon in seoul city.

Hearing jimin words one person stopped eating. His cleanched his jaw and his hold around spoon got tighten hearing taehyung name. The kim taehyung he hate the most and thought him as his enemy. It was jeon jungkook.

Jk looked up at jimin who is busy with talking to mrs jeon and mr jeon. Jk looked at jhope and put the spoon back on the plate. He get up from chair and all looked at him. when they saw he was about to go mr jeon said

"Pack your thing we are leaving in afternoon,"

Jk turn around and looked at his dad

"I am not going anywhere," jk said and about to go when again mrs jeon spoke

"Kook please come. It will be fun and you will also meet taehyung," mrs jeon said with soft smile

Jk greeted his teeth in anger and turn around while only anger visibly on his face

"So what if that great kim taehyung is also there. What I will do. Worship him or thank to God that he give me a chance to meet him," jk said rudely at mrs jeon which make her eyes teary

"WHAT IS THIS BEHAVIOUR JUNGKOOK, IS THIS HOW YOU ARE GOING TO TALK WITH YOUR MOM," mr jeon shouted in anger and stand up from chair glaring at jk in anger

Jk looked at his dad and said

"I am not going anywhere and that is final. If you all want, go and don't ever force me to do anything," jk said and left from mansion before anyone said anything

Tears fall from mrs jeon eyes. Jimin looked at that and immediately go toward her and hugged her.

"D-did I said something wrong chim. W-why he is becoming so rude day by day," she said while tears fall from her eyes

Mr jeon wipped her tears and all looked at the soft hearted lady with sadness. This is the second time in this week mrs jeon cry because of jungkook and that is totally unbearable for mr jeon.

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