part 6

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At night

Tae was laying on bed while biting his lips with red cheeks. Today scenario was only coming in his mind. He still can't believe that it happen. Did really they want tae to be their son-in-law. Did jungkook want him as his husband.

Tae is lost in this thoughts that didn't realise when his parents entered in the room. He suddenly flinched when his dad caressed his hair. But smiled when saw his parents. He know very well why his parents is here.

"Tae I think you already know the reason why jeons come today," mrs kim said and tae shyly nodded while looking down

"So what's you answer son. You can deny or accept its all your choice. You don't need to see our friendship in this matter," mr kim said holding tae hand

Tae looked at his dad feeling so proud to get these kind of caring parents. He is happy.

"Tell me do you want to accept this purposal. Or do you want to accept jungkook as your husband," mrs kim asked

"I-I am ready mom dad," tae said shyly making kim couple smiled widely

Both hugged tae tightly. Tae also hugged back. Both kissed tae cheeks and forehead and mr kim said

"I am sure jungkook will take good care of you. Even they all will take care of you and love you like us," mr kim said and mrs kim nodded

"No one can love me more then you both. I love you mom dad," tae said and again hugged his parents.

Next day, tae agreed news get by jeons which make them so happy except jimin. Jimin is worried for tae. Meanwhile jeon coupleis so much happy. They really want tae in this house. They decided to tell jk now.

Last night jk also come back from his tour. All family with jk had breakfast together. After eating jk was about to left when mr jeon stop him while saying he has something important to talk.

Now everyone is sitting in living room. Jk looked at his dad with straight face and said

"What you want to say,"

"First tell me what is this behaviour and what is with this attitude. Do you forget to talk with your father," mr jeon said in anger

"If you stop me to just giving me lecture then I am going," jk said and stand up from couch

"Jeon Jungkook sit down right now," mr jeon shouted in anger

"Dad please relax and kook sit down," jhope immediately said before jk said something

Jk roll his eyes and sit back. Jhope signal mr jeon to be relax and he sigh in frustration. Jk looked at all to say the reason why he was sitting here.

"Is anyone tell me what ths matter," jk said in frustration looking at all

"Ok listen to me. We all decided something for you and we are sure that will be better for your present and future," mr jeon said while looking at jk

"You really care for me that's strange. By the way what you all decided and even without my permission," jk mocked with chuckled

Mr jeon anger increased because of jk behaviour but he control himself

"Son we arrange your marriage," mrs jeon said with soft smile

"WHAT," jk shouted and stand up from couch with wide eyes

"Low your voice," mr jeon said in strict tone

Jk looked at all with wide eyes but soon anger filled in his whole body. He glare at all. Mostly his mom and dad.

"I am not going to marry anyone," jk said and turn around to go but stop when hear

"I am not asking you. I am telling you that you are only going to marry where we want," mr jeon said glaring at jk

"For the fucking sake, what is your problem," jk shouted and mrs jeon and jimin wide their eyes

"Jungkook," jhope shouted in anger

Jk looked at his brother and sigh. He roll his eyes and said

"If you want me to not be more rude, then don't interfere in my life,"

"So what we will do. Let you to spoil your fucking life behind that bastard friend of yours. He is making your life hell infront of our eyes," mr jeon shouted in anger

"Oh please take your that care to yourself. And who you are calling bastard is the only one in my life who care for me, except like you all" jk shouted and tears fall from mrs jeon eyes

Looking at hia wife mr jeon becom so much angry

"So that fucker is now more important than your own family," mr jeon shouted in anger glaring at jk

"Yes he is. He is more important for me what will you all do. You both are the reason of my this attitude now. You both are selfish parents I have ever seen," jk shouted but immediately a loud slap sound encounched in the livingroom

All wide there eyes when mr jeon slapped jk. Jk held his cheek and looked at mr jeon in disbelieve. This is the first time his father slap him in his life.

"I don't want any excuses or anything. I fixed your marriage and you only have to marry him," mr jeon shouted in anger

"What will you do if I will not marry him," jk shouted

"I am warning you jungkook," mr jeon shouted

"What can you even do," jk mocked with chuckle

"I will evict you from my property and we all will broke every telation with you," mr jeon shouted and all wide their eyes

Jk also become shocked hearing that. This is the least think he imagined that his father will say. More anger build in him........jhope looked at his dad in worry but mr jeon signal him that its ok.

"We fixed your marriage in the last of this month. So be ready and I am again warning you if you do something stupid then forget that you will be part of JEONS," mr jeon said and left from there angrily

Jk glare at jhope who also left behind mr jeon. Jk looked at mrs jeon and said in his cold voice

"Who do you all want me to marry with," jk said in his deep angry voice

"Kim taehyung....," mrs jeon said

Hearing tae name jk curl his hand in anger. His eyes turn red and he cleanched his jaw while glaring at his mom and jimin. But without saying a single word he left from the mansion.

Jk drive at full speed and reached to felix apartment. He loudly bang on the door and in some seconds the door get opened by a girl. This is normal for jk to see different girls in felix apartment.

Jk looked at her who is standing in felix shirt. He roll his eyes and enter inside the apartment

"Call him and get lost from here," jk said rudely and sit down on couch

She rolled her eyes at jk behaviour and left from there. Jk is looking down while the talk between his family is running his mind like marathon.

"Good morning buddy," felix said and jk looked at him

He saw jk reaction and understand there again something happen. And he is the most interested one to hear or we can say secretly enjoy jk suffer.

Felix made the girl leave and come to jk. He sat down beside jk and asked

"Now tell me what you family again did to make your life hell,"

Jk looked up and him and sigh to release his some anger

"They fixed my marriage after 1 month," jk said making felix wide his eyes

"What," he said and jk just remains silent

"What do you mean by that. Are you agree. Did they even ask you? Because as long I know they just throw their orders on me," felix said making jk more angry

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