part 16

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After 1 week

I week went smoothly. All jeon mansion is so much happy because jk regularly going to office. But which make all jeon sad is jk behaviour which is not good. Jk is slient all this week he didn't even look and talk to anyone except jhope. 

Tae is happy from outside but so sad from inside. His love for jk making him weak for him. After jk slept, tae always secretly use to look at him with longoing.

Present time

After coming back from office, jk didn't even talk to anyone and left to his room. He fresh up and again took his laptop and started to work. Tae come to room and saw jk is working. Jk looked up and both eyes meet but tae sassily looked away and sit down on bed with his mobile.

Jk glare at tae for some time, then without saying anything get busy with his work.

"Is he going to work whole night. He also didn't had his dinner," tae thought

Tae again get up from bed and left from the room making jk frown but he shrugged and continued his work. After almost 10 minutes, tae come back with food tray in his hand. Jk looked up when he smell the tasty food. Jk was really hungry but his ego was higher then his needs.

Tae put the tray infront of jk and stand infront of him silently. Jk raised his brow at tae

"What," jk said rudely

"What," tae asked with raised brow

"What is this," jk said with cold tone

"I think people called it meal," tae said sassily

"Don't test my patience taehyung. Why you put it here," jk said coldly

"Eat it," tae said in demanding tone

"What," jk said with raised brow

"Hyungie told that you didn't had your lunch and you also didn't had you dinner. So eat it," tae said and jk looked at tae

"Took this tray and get out from here," jk said rudely

"You really an ungrateful person. I go downstairs and again heated all food for you. And take it to room for you and here you are showing me your attitude like an arrogant person," tae said glaring at jk

Jk blood boiled hearing tae harsh word for himself. He put the laptop aside and angrily stand up. Before tae understand anything jk held tae arms in most painful grip and pin tae body on wall. Tae hiss in pain and looked up at jk.

"Shut up. Enough is enough. Your this mouth is only known how to humiliate others huh. What you want to show by taking this fucking food that you care for me.

Listen carefully taehyung, there is no place for you in my life or even in my room. I am just bearing you because of my family. I really don't know why they all are crazy behind you.

If I want I just throw you out of this house and I didn't fucking care what all will say or thing but you know what this is an very easy punishment for you. I will make your life hell. I will take revenge on you that you will hate yourself that why you marry me," jk spat in most vanomious tone

Hearing jk word tae felt so much pain in his heart. It is painful to hear this much  hater from your love one. Tae felt like his existence in jk life is really a burden. Tae felt like crying but he is not going to become weak infront of jk. He have to be strong

Tae hardly push jk and angrily glare at him

"Don't ever dare to fucking touch me. Your touch make me disgusting. What did you said you are bearing me. Let me correct, here I am the one who is bearing you. And don't fly in air jeon. At last a people like you don't have anything except regret," tae shouted without caring that anyone will hear

"I hate you more then you hate me. I never dream to marry a person like you. I always wish that my husband will be caring, respective and lovely to me but you are opposite. You are not my idol type that I fall for you.

I am the fool who took food for you. Do one thing took it and threw it in garbage, because this food only deserve that place," tae said angrily and left to washroom.

Jk angrily punched on the wall. He is breathing heavily. Meanwhile tae, after locking washroom door. Tae tears started to fall nonstop. He put his hand on his mouth to muffle his cry.

"I am so stupid that I fall for you. You didn't deserve my love but what can I do. I am compelled by my heart. I want to hate you but why my heart always betray me," tae thought while crying

Tae console his heart and after washing his face he come out from room and without looking up directly went to bed and lay down. He covered himself with blanket and closed his eyes. Soon all tension and worried flew away from tae when he fell asleep.

Meanwhile, jk noticed tae red nose and eyes but his ego make him blind and heartless to even think what he was doing. He just work whole night and didn't even touch the food which tae bring for him.

"I hate you. Why you come to my life. There is no space for you in my life and heart. I will never going to accept a forced husband like you in my life," jk thought looking at sleeping tae on bed with anger filled eyes

Day started to pass. 1 month past like that. Taekook is now 2 months married. Mr jeon and jhope is really happy looking at jk progress in business. Jk spend his whole time in office work. In office, everyone just get scared of his name. He is the most cold and strict boss. He is totally opposite from jhope and mr jeon who are kind to everyone.

In this whole month, jk didn't go to felix or even meet any friend of his. Felix is going crazy how to stop jk because jk is not listening to him.

Tae makes himself busy with the house and family. Taekook fight sessions are the same as before. In many things, tae tries to makes jk realise that he is doing wrong. Which somehow make jk understand but didn't admit it infront of tae. But secretly he stopped doing that things without himself knowing.

They fight like kids in the room or even outside the room and after the fight, both ignoring each other which whole family noticed and all sigh. Both are stubborn and both didn't listen to anyone.

Jk was busy in office work that make him mostly sleep in the office. Mr jeon and jhope try to make jk understand that tae is his husband and want his live and time but he like always didn't listen to them and refuse to accept tae as his husband.

Tae went to meet his parents in village with driver. He didn't ask jk to take him. Tae parents become so much happy, But they are little sad that jk didn't come with tae. Tae said jk is not home. He went on business trip.

Tae spent 2 days with his parents and come back. Jeon family really missed tae when he was not there. These two days jk didn't come back home because he is on some business trip.

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