part 9

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Tae said good bye to his parents while crying. This emotional scene make everyone eyes glossy. Jk looked at tae and roll his eyes but stay silent.

After that they make tae sit down beside jk in car and they left. Jeon couple also hugged kim couple and left. Jimin and jhope already left to prepare a good welcome of new couple.

In taekook car

Tae sniff softly making jk looked at him. He saw how tae nose was red making him look so cute. He looked at tae cuteness but immediately shook his head when realize what he was doing.

Jk looked out from the window. After sometime tae relaxed. He looked at jk and smiles but suddenly he remembered what jk said on stage but shrugged it thinking maybe that was because tae was nervous. Whole the ride was so silent. Noone said a single word.

After long ride they reached jeon mansion. Jk come out and stand there. Tae frown when jk didn't open the car door for him but still he open the door and come out. They saw all come toward them with wide smile on their faces.

They all did a really beautiful welcome of taekook. Its looking like a dream to tae. Till now tae is so much happy. They did all the ritual. All the time tae was so excited but jk was just silent and cold. With felix jk come out from mansion leaving all jeon and jhope try to stop jk but he didn't listen which make both angry now.

Jimin looked at tae who is sitting while looking down with tired face. He know that how tiring it was for bride.

"Mom can I take tae to his room. He must be tired," jimin asked

"Yeah take him. He need rest after a long day," mrs jeon said and caressed tae head making tae smile softly

"Come on tae. Let me show you your and your husband room," jimin said with excited smile

Tae blushed at husband word making mrs jeon and jimin chuckled. Jimin took tae to room and make him sit on bed. Tae bite his bottom lip in tension which jimin definitely noticed so he sit down beside tae and held his hand

"Relax tae. There is no need to be take stress," jimin said with assuring smile

"Hyung," tae went silent for sometime then called jimin

"Yes," jimin said

"Is jungkook not happy with this marriage. I am feeling he is not happy," tae asked and jimin went silent

Jimin have no courage to tell tae that jk is forced to get married by him. He lick his lip while thinking what he will answer now. But before jimin said something they hear knock on the door making jimin sigh in relief.

"Yes," jimin said

Jk open the door with blank face. And jimin immediately get up from bed. He hurriedly said bye to tae and come out from the room. Tae immediately looked down when he saw jk is looking at him. His heart beat fast under jk stare.

"You have to show your family that you are not going to accept their decision. jungkook that taehyung was just a burden to you," feilx word ringed into jk mind looking at tae

Felix said those things to jk when they both go outside the mansion. Jk really a puppet of felix what he said jk will do.

Jk enter inside and locked the door. Just looking at tae he enter inside the washroom. A big frown form on tae face at jk action but he remain silent.

After sometimes, jk come out taking shower wearing casual clothes. He looked at tae who is still sitting on his place.

"There is no need to sit like a statue. Get up and changed your clothes," jk said coldly making tae frustrated

Tae glare at jk and get up from bed and left to washroom after taking his clothes. There is only sadness on tae face. He really didn't like jk behaviour. After entering in washroom, tae looked at himself.

"Why I get so much ready when he is not ready to look at me. Did he not like me," tae thought with glossy eyes

When tae left jk sit down on bed and open his side drawers. He took out one picture where he is standing beside a boy.

"Today I got married but the bad thing is that it was not you who I got married. I get married with a person I didn't even like then love is far. We planned to get married but look what destiny write for us. Where are you. Why you leave me and didn't tell anything," jk said with sad face

He again put the pic back in drawer and locked it. Jk hear door open sound and he looked at the direction but his heart beat fast looking at taehyung. Who is looking ethernal in wet hairs. Jk immediately looked away

Meanwhile, tae dry his hair and apply moisturiser on his body. He looked at jk through mirror and saw jk is busy with his mobile

"What kind of person he is. Its our first night but look at him he is behaving like he don't know me or like I am not in the room," tae thought with frown

After finishing his work. Tae get up and come toward bed. He about to sit when suddenly jk said

"Stop there,"

"Huh," tae said with confusion

"You are not going to sleep on my bed. Go and sleep on couch," jk said without looking at tae and tae wide his eyes

"What do you mean by couch," tae asked angrily and jk finally looked at him

"Couch mean couch. You are not going to sleep with me," jk said with cold tone

"But why. Why can't I sleep on bed. And why I sleep on couch," tae said with frustration

"Look taehyung, I don't like when someone argue with me so go and sleep on couch," jk said rudely making tae felt really bad but he is not going to do what jk is saying without knowing the reason

"I am not going to sleep on couch. I am your wife and I have right to sleep on bed, and what is wrong with you why are you behaving so weird" tae said looking at jk in anger

Hearing tae words jk become angry and get up from bed. He come toward tae and stand infront of him with angry expressions.

"You are not my wife or anything. You know what, you are just a burden to me. A burden which my family did to me. I didn't see you as my anything then wife is far from imagination. Listen carefully kim taehyung, you are just married with me in papers. You will never get love from me. I never love an illiterate, villiger boy like you. I don't like you so stay away from me," jk said rudely

Jk every word like a bomb for tae. This is the least thing anyone imagined at their wedding night. This is most horrible thing for anyone to hear from their husband on their first night.

Both were looking into each other eyes with different emotions. Jk is angry, frustrated and irritated while tae is hurt and felt like betrayal. Tae heart broke very badly but there is no expression on his face. His face is blank. His eyes are cold while just looking at jk in disbelieve.

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