part 8

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Day started to pass like air. Both families get so busy in all the arrangements of marriage. Today is their wedding day. Jk is sitting in car while jhope is driving toward the hotel where is marriage event held.

Jhope looked at jk who is sitting with angry and frustrated face. He sigh and said

"At least smile. Its your wedding day after all," jhope said and jk looked at him

"This marriage is just a burden which you all are loading on me. Don't expect anything from me," jk said rudely and look out from the window

Jungkook is not happy Because the thought of the marriage with his enemy make him angry. He is frustrated

He is hating taehyung even more because he want him to deny from this marriage but when he get the news that tae also have no problem with marriage.  He hate him even more.

Jk really does not want to marry a traditional and a villager boy. This spoil his reputation between his friends. And he remembered how taehyung looked last time they meet. This make jk more angry because he thought he is going to marry an ugly nerdy type boy

Jk saw tae 4 to 5 years ago and that time tae was a teenager. Who is chubby and not attractive at all. At that time tae wear classes like nerd and jk still have the same image of tae in his mind which make him hate tae more.

But only if he know he is going to get heart attack looking at tae right now.

They reached the destination and all come out from their cars. Mrs jeon come toward jk and caressed his face but jk immediately back away with blank face. Jk action hurt her but she hide her feelings

"I am happy for you son," she said with soft smile

Jk ignore her and started to walk inside. Mr jeon looked at both but ignore it because he don't want to make any scene on wedding. He held her wife and all enter inside.

All meet jeons and kim couple hugged jk. Jk looked at mrs kim and smiled softly. He remembered how much he love his kim anti.

They make jk stand on stage. Jhope stand beside jk while all started to wait the bride to come. Jeon couple looked at their son who is standing with uninterested face, which make both sigh

Jhope looked at his parents and nod to assure that everything is ok. He looked at jk and whispered

"Jungkook stop being a brat and stop showing this face,"

Jk raised his brow and looked at jhope.

"I will do what I want hyung. Stop ordering me," jk said making jhope sigh

Jk looked around secretly and sigh in relief that the decorations and other things are modern not the traditional like every villiger do

"At least I am not going to be ashamed in my friends circle. Are you stupid jungkook. The person you are going to marry and who everyone is going to see with you is taehyung.  And I am sure that villager boy is not able for anyone to even glance. I know that he is ugly that' why they all are so desperate make me marry him," jk thought with blank face

"What the fuck is wrong with that Kim Taehyung. Why he had to let me wait, why is he not coming. I want this marriage to finishas soon as possible," jk thought in frustration

Jk looked at felix who already looking at him. But jk looked down and sigh. Other side, felix is so much happy. He is happy that jk who had so much attitude is going to marry someone who is ugly. Jk only invited felix on his wedding not other friends.

"You deserve this jk. I wish you always revlove around in tensions and worries," felix though in haterd

He is happy at jk condition. He know that jk is not happy with this marriage and this make him happy. Felix always felt satisfied when jk is in pain but always show opposite to jk.

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