part 23

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Some days past, jk is much better now. Jimin and mrs jeon always take good care of jk food. While jhope help kook to take bath and chane clothes. Tae always change jk bandage in early morning.

Now jk head injury is recovered. His arm and leg is still plastered but he is recovering. Jk started to work from home on his laptop. Which first everyone resist but jk is more than stubborn.

Present time

Its 11:00 am, Jk is working in his laptop back resting with headboard comfortably. While tae is taking shower. Tae had plan to go on shopping with jimin. Jimin want to buy things for baby and tae is more excited for that. So last night they plan to go on shopping.

Tae come out from washroom with long wet hair, which is almost reaching his shoulders. His fresh sweet strawberry bodywash scent spread in the whole room. He come infront of mirror and started to dry his hair with towel.

Jk who is so much lost in his wirk looked up when he smell the most addictive and refreshing scent. As soon as his eyes landed on tae, he totally lost. Jk just started to look at tae every single action who totally unaware of jk stare.

After drying his hair, tae aply moisturiser on his face, neck and hands. He apply blush, little bit of eyeshadow, and finally glossy lip gloss. Tae left in their wardrobe section and after changing his clothes into beautiful  white off shoulder shirt and black jeans. He wear white shoes and waer black earrings.

Tae come out from wardrobe section and jk breath stuck in his throat looking at tae. Tae is looking so much beautiful. The dress on him looking so good like it only made for him. Tae looked at himself in mirror and like always blow himself a kiss which make jk smiled unknowingly

"Ok jeon so I am goin....," tae said and trun around but his word stuck in his mouth when he find how intensely jk was staring at him

He become so much shy but hide it immediately. Tae smirk looking at jk looking at him witthout blinking

"Do I look beautiful," tae whispered and jk nodded unknowingly making tae smirk wide

"Take a picture jeon because I have to go now," tae finally said in his teasing tone and jk immediately come to world

He get panic when he saw tae caught him red handed. He immediately looked here and there and said

"I am not staring at you. I just lost while thinking something. D-don't fly to high," jk said try to cover thing up

Tae smirk at jk state. He walk toward jk and bend down near jk face which make jk wide his eyes. He looked at tae with shocked face

"I know I am beautiful and hot but Take a hold on yourself jeon. Or you will fall in love with me. No one can resist me," tae said and wink at jk and left from the room with smirk leaving dumbfounded jk behind

Jk was just looking at the direction tae left while blinking his eyes.

"W-what just happen," jk whispered in shock

Jk looked down and found himself hard. He wide his eyes

"You fucking jungkook. Whats wrong with you. You get hard looking at him. Are you that much desperate so go and fuck a random slut instead of him. Don't forget he is your enemy. A burden as you say always," jk curse himself

He held his hair in frustration. He don't know what's wrong with him but from the night they both almost about to kiss. Jk lost his senses. He almost fond himself admiring te ot think nasty thigs about him.

He felt butterflies in his stomach when tae touch him or infront of him. Whenever tae called him jeon he found himself hard like rock. He want to touch him, charish him, love him.


As jk remember he himself said that taehyung is a burden to him. He will never live him. He will make tae life living hell. He will make tae life miserable. Then why now his heart is reacting otherwise........his heart want to hide the precious soul in his arm. He want to hide tae from all eyes.

Jk lastly looked at close door and get busy with his work.

At 2:00 pm

Jk was still busy in his work when his door get knocked. He looked up and found his mom entered inside the room with the tray of food in her hand. She smiled softly looking at jk.

"Its time for lunch kook," she said with smile

Jk nodded and closed his laptop and put it aside. Mrs jeon placed the tray in the middle and sit down on bed. Jk looked at the soup with irritated face

"Please mom I don't want to eat it. Its disgusting," jk whine like a baby

For a minute, mrs jeon looked at jk. Her eyes became teary which jk noticed and frown deeply. He get worried looked at his mom

"What happened mom," jk asked with frown

"N-nothing. I just feel like my old kook is talking to me," mrs jeon said with hurtful voice which really make jk guilty

He looked at his mom, who was wiping her tears with small sad smile on his face. Jk felt so much ashamed looking the hurt on his mom face and he clearly know he is the reason.

Whatever his parents did, he still have no right to talk to them like that. To behave like a brat and untreated. He felt really ashamed and guilty.

"This is not what I was. How could I become like that with my own family," jk thought with guilt

"Forget it son. But you have to eat this soup. This will help you recover fast and also its healthy and good for you," mrs jeon said

She filled the spoon with soup and make jk drink it. Jk silently finished his meal. Mrs jeon give jk his medicine.

"Kook now take some rest. You are not ok. You need lot of rest. This work can be done after when you are ok," she said setting jk pillow and make him lay down

Jk just silently looking at his mom. After making jk lay down comfortably, she bend to jk forehead and softly kissed. Jk closed his eyes while mrs jeon softly ruffling kook hair which really make jk relax. After so long, he allow his mom to do that and she is so much happy with that.

She looked at kook and looking at his relaxing face she thought kook is already sleeping. Once again tears started to flow from her eyes

"I don't know what wrong we did that you are that much angry on us. But still I ask forgiveness. Please kook we all are sorry. We all live you so much. And your this behaviour killing us all. My heart ripped when you ignored me. Your dad even cry in room secretly. He love you so much kook. Your hyung is always worried for you. We can't see you spoiling your life like that. Its hurt us baby. Sorry my son," she said caressing jk hair while tears falling from his eyes.

Jk heart ripped hearing his mom hiccuping and sobs. His mom painful and hurt voice making jk to destroyhimself because he is the reason of her that condition. He felt guilty at how she is apologising. How much she is hurt.

"I am a bad son," jk thought

He want to hug his mom and as forgiveness but he have no courage. The time he spend with his family and felt the love of his family. Day by day his prospective about his family is changing like before and moreover tae making jk realise in their talk how much all love him

He don't know what is wrong and what is right. Is his parents really did all those which he always accused them. And now he really don't want to know. He know the one who is wrong here is only him. He treat his lovely family like a shit.

Jk only felt one emotion now for his family and that is guilt.

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