part 18

290 34 4

In jeon mansion

Everyone is ready to say good night to each other. When suddenly jhope phone started to ringing. All looked at jhope but don't know why tae felt more worried. Jhope took out his phone and saw jk call make him smile little. He pick up the call

"Hello,"  with soft smile

"Hello mister. Am I talking to jhope," the person on phone said making jhope frown deeper

"Yeah. Sorry who are you. This is my brother phone. Why is it with you. I didn't recognised,"  jhope said with frown making all looked at jhope with crusity

"Sir, your brother had got in very bad accident. I found this number on patient phone first, so I called you," the  other person said

Making jhope frozed on his place. Looking at jhope tae felt more worried and his anxiety increased more. Jeon couple also become so much worried with jimin.

"What are you saying," jhope said in disbelief, panic and shock

"Sir, the condition of patient is really serious. I suggest you come to seoul hospital as soon as possible," the other person said

"I am coming. Please be there. We are coming," jhope said in panic and immediately cut the call in panic

All family looked at jhope with worry. Jhope condition make them more shocked and worried

"Hobi, what happened. Who was there on call," jimin asked in worry

"Kook got into an accident, and the person said he is very serious," jhope said and all wide their eyes

"WHAT," tae shouted and immediately tears fall from his eyes in disbelief

Tae felt like his heart stop beating. Tears immediately started to fall from tae eyes. All run to the car while crying and worried. Soon, they all reached the hospital. Like a crazy person, tae runs out of the car alone, leaving all behind and come to reception

"E-excuse me. P-please tell me where the p-patient who get into accident," tae said while crying badly

"In ICU sir," the receptionist said in worry looking at tae condition

After knowing the way, tae again started to run like a manic. All family run behind tae. They all reached outside of ICU and found two boys standing there with police officer. The boy's clothes are bloody. Tae gasp when he saw lot of blood that must be belong to jungkook.

"Mr jeon, is jungkook your son" police officer said in surprise

"He is my younger son. How is he and how all this happened," mr jeon asked with teary eyes

"20 minutes ago, he had accident on xyz road. From that time to till now doctors didn't come out so we really don't know about his condition. And as our report his car breaks were failed," police officer said

"But how can it be possible. Jk always take good care of his car," jhope said in tension

Before police officer said something. ICU door get opened and a doctor come out with nurse. Jeon family run toward him

"Doctor how was he?," tae asked while crying badly

"Who you are to patient?," doctor asked

"I am his husband. Please now tell me how is he," tae asked while crying

"Doctor please say something," mrs jeon said while crying

"Please you all have to be strong. Patient condition is so serious. He lost too much blood and his leg and arm also get fractured. His whole body is badly wounded. But thankfully his head is safe. Still we can't tell about his condition," doctor said in serious tone

Tae feeling like doctor every word ripped his heart badly. He was standing like a statue and hearing what doctor was saying

"Please doctor save our son. We will give how much it take to save him but please save my son," mr jeon said while crying

"We are doing our best. You all prey for him and please arrange blood for his operation. We immediately have to do his surgeries,"the doctor said and left from there

Tae fall down on his knee while crying badly hearing jk condition. Mr jeon come and carry tae and make him sit on stool. Jimin held crying mrs jeon.

"Dad take my blood. His and mine blood group are same. But please save him or I will die," tae said while crying badly

Mr jeon hugged tae and tae cry hard. Soon doctor took tae and take out tae blood for jk. All family saw tae love for jk. They saw how tae is ready to sacrifice himself for jk. Doctors again left to ICU and the door get closed.

Tae is laying like lifeless body on hospital bed. He is feeling like only breaths is coming from him. There is no soul inside him. Tears falling from his eyes and his heart is only preying for jk safety.

Jhope come inside the room and make tae drink juice. Mrs jeon also hugged tae and both cried.

"He will be fine nah, if they want, give my more blood to them but please save him. I can't live without him" tae looked at jimin and asked innocently while tears falling from his eyes

"He will be fine and will be back to you," jimin said and hugged tae

"Hyungie take me to him. I want to be near him," tae said looking at jhope

Jhope caressed tae head with so much love and help tae to come out. He make tae sit on stool near ICU. All also sit down with only worry. Tae was only preying from God to spare his kook life.

After almost 4 hours, finally the doors of ICU get opened and the doctors come out from the room removing the mask from their face. All jeons immediately get up and come to doctor

"Doctor how is he now," tae asked impatiently

"Is he ok," mrs jeon asked in worry

"Please tell us," mr jeon said

"Thank to God, the operations was successful. He is now out of danger. We can tell his exact condition when he get conscious," doctor said looking at mr jeon

"Is there any problem? Doctor," jhope asked in worry

"No everything is fine. After he get conscious. Please call me. Then I will tell you how's his condition," doctor said

"C-can we see him doctor," tae asked in his broken voice

"Yes but please one by one," doctor said and all said thank you to him and he left

"Mom you go and see if he is ok," tae said to mrs jeon,

Looking at her with most innocent eyes. Which melt everyone heart. They all witnessed how much tae was restless and want to saw jk as soon as possible. But here tae keeping his all worries aside telling mrs jeon to go and see his son.

All softly smile looking at tae kindness. Mrs jeon come toward tae and cupped tae face in his hands

"How can an angel exists on earth. My both sons are so lucky even we jeon family is so lucky that we got angel like son-in-law," mrs jeon said with teary eyes and kissed tae forehead and hugged him

Tae hugged back tightly. Mrs jeon looked at jimin and signal him to come close. Jimin also come and she pulled him into hug. Mr jeon and jhope smiled looking at them. Mrs jeon broke the hug

"Go son and see your husband first," she said with soft assuring smile

Tae didn't said anything and enter inside ICU

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