part 10

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Jk looked at tae and turn around to go back and sit where he was sitting before but he hear tae chuckle making him stop and he turn back with deep frown of confusion.

"What," jk asked in confusion

"What do you think jeon jungkook. That after you will say these things to me so I will cry and beg you to love me. And I will cry for your love like a weak person," tae said looking at jk with raised brow

"And who are you calling illiterate. I am well educated and mannered boy not like you who don't know how to talk with someone. Open you ears and listen to me jeon jungkook. I am not a person who like to beg, I am a person who love to make other on their knee infront of me," tae said looking into jk deep eyes daringly

"And as far as the matter of marriage and our relationship so also keep in mind I also don't like you a little bit. Its only my and your parents wish so I accomplished their wish for their happiness. Otherwise do you think a beautiful boy like me gets married with a person who look so so," tae said sassily which is totally a lie but to keep jk on his place it is important to do

Jk heard tae every word with shocked expression. He really didn't expect that. Looking at tae he think that tae was some traditional boy but here he is totally a sassy queen which make jk stunned

"Who you called so so," jk asked with raised brow

"You know better then me," tae said sassily making jk totally shocked

Tae sit down on bed and open the sheet and covered his half body and about to lay down but he looked at jk who is still standing on his spot. Looking like a statue.

"Off the lights. I am tired and want to sleep," tae ordered and jk looked at him

Finally jk come out from his stunned state and angrily looked at tae when he saw tae is almost laying on bed

"Didn't you hear what I said. I am not going to sleep with you," jk lowly shouted in anger

"Who said you are going to sleep with me," tae said with raised brow

"Then get off from my bed," jk said glaring at tae

"You are the one who is going to sleep on couch, jeon jungkook," tae said and lay down in the center of the bed

"No way, you are going to sleep there. Get out from my bed," jk said angrily but tae closed his eyes like he didn't hear anything

"Taehyung get up," jk said glaring at tae but tae didn't reply back

"Taehyung I said get up," jk again said clenching his jaw in anger but get no response from tae

Jk closed his eyes to control his anger. His hands is curl into fist and he greeted his teeth. After some seconds he again open his eyes and angrily glare at tae who's eyes are closed. Jk come toward bed and harshly pull the pillow from tae head which making tae open his eyes

Jk threw the pillow on couch and lay down on it with anger. Tae smirk looking at jk. And after setting other pillow under his head he again lay down. Tae looked at jk and saw his eyes were closed. Tae off the light

After off the light, tae expression totally changed. His confidence face replaced with sad one and his daring eyes filled with tears. Soon some tears fall from his eyes remembering what happened between him and jk. From last whole month he think their first night be the most romantic and beautiful one but here is totally opposite. This make tae heart broke but he decided to not be a weak one and show that if jk think about himself as a king so tae also is a queen.

Whole night sleep is not even near tae. First he really sad what happen but after that he decided to show jungkook who is kim taehyung and in future decided to make jk regret his word. Whole night tae planned what to do with jk


Next day

Its already 8:00 am. Tae get up from bed and started to walk toward washroom but he stopped and looked at jk who is sleeping peacefully on couch. Tae smirk looking at jk and said

"Sleep jeon sleep. Because from today I am going to snatch you peace"

Tae took his clothes and left to washroom. After taking shower he come out from washroom wearing beautiful clothes. Tae apply lip balm, moisturiser and make a cute bun of his long hairs. From front he set bangs and wear accessories.

Finally he get ready and looked at himself. Tae give flying kiss to himself like always and looked back at jk who is sleeping like no tomorrow. Tae walk toward couch

"Get up jeon jungkook," tae said but jk didn't even move a little

"Pig," tae whispered and come out from the room

He walk downstairs and saw mr jeon and jhope in livingroom. 

"Good morning dad, hyung," tae said with wide smile on his face

"Good morning tae. Baby you get up," both greet back and mr jeon asked with soft smile

"Yes dad. Where is mom and hyungie," tae asked looking around

"Oh they both are in kitchen. They want to cook for you specially," jhope said with lovely smile making tae smile widely

"Really," tae asked excitedly making mr jeon chuckled

"Can I go and see them," tae asked in excitement

"This is your house you don't need to ask go ahead," mr jeon said and without wasting a second tae go to kitchen

"I hope this bubbly angel bring our lost kook back," mr jeon thought with sadness which jhope definitely noticed but didn't point it out

Tae come to kitchen and saw both all busy. He smiled and said

"Good morning, beautifuls,"

Jimin and mrs jeon immediately looked at tae and a wide smile form on their faces. Jimin greet back with smile while mrs jeon kissed tae forehead and greet back

"What are you both making. Hyung told me you are making something special for me," tae ask like excited kid making both chuckled

"Yes, we both making special breakfast for you as it is your first day so it will be the special," mrs jeon said and jimin nodded with wide smile

"Thank you so much. You both are so kind," Tae said with smiled making other smile also

"Ok so tell me what I will do," tae asked looking at the things on counter

"You do nothing. You sit and just enjoy," jimin said

"No hyungie, I want to help you please," tae said with puppy eyes

"You take rest baby," mrs jeon said with soft smile

"I rest whole night mom. Please let me help you," tae whine

Jimin come close to tae ear making tae frown.

"Did your husband let you rest in night. I know you must be tired so just sit," jimin whispered and back away with smirk

He looked at tae who's eyes is wide and whole face is red. Jimin smirk get wide. Mrs jeon looked at both and she know jimin just tease tae.

"Hyungie," tae whine in embracement making both bottom chuckled

"Jimin is right. You sit and take rest," mrs jeon said with teasing smile

Tae looked at her and bite his bottom lip. He immediately run out from kitchen after saying he will be back making jimin and mrs jeon laughed.

After running out from kitchen tae stand resting his back on the wall. He closed his eyes thinking what happened last night and what all are thinking. This make tae really sad but he again open his eyes and replaced his sadness with beautiful soft smile.

Tae is really good at hiding his emotions. No one can tell by looking at him that he is in pain. He also look bubbly, naught and careless cute bear........but the reality is totally opposite. He had lot of secrets in his heart.

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