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Hayden mumbled softly in her sleep. She didn't really want to sleep here even though she knew she would eventually have to. She didn't want to think about how long she might be stuck here for either. What was worse, is if Silas couldn't pay the money she didn't know what would happen to her. She cracked her eyes open and noticed someone standing at the end of the bed. Startled, she gasped and jumped up. Her head tilted up to see Blaine standing in front of her.

"I didn't mean to wake you." His voice was different from earlier, almost soft.

She didn't like the way he was staring at her, or how he was standing there when she woke up. She scooted herself toward the middle of the bed. The bottom of her uniform bunching up to about mid-thigh as she moved away from him, making her blush deeply. She smoothed it out and pulled it down as much as she could. It hadn't occurred to her until just now that she didn't have any other clothes with her.

"Yo-You can't keep me here." Her voice barely making it past her lips.

"I can if I want to." His voice flat.

"This isn't fair! I don't owe you anything!" She dropped her head, unable to keep eye contact with him.

She hadn't missed the flash of anger that flashed through his eyes. She knew she shouldn't have said what she did, but she couldn't help it. If Silas got himself into trouble, that was his problem. It was his debt. She hadn't even known that he needed money and honestly she couldn't figure out why he needed it. They both had jobs and the house was already paid off because it had been their parents' home. They only had to do taxes and a few other bills they had, but they had enough. She also didn't understand why Silas never said anything to her about needing more or borrowing money.

"You do now." He slid his hands into his pockets, his eyes boring into her. "If you don't behave, I'll kill your brother. And then you'll have full responsibility for his debt."

That got her attention. Her head snapped back up, her eyes searching his face and knowing he wasn't joking. Her ears were prickling from the shocking words her had spoken to her and her teeth painfully sunk into her bottom lip.

"Why are you doing this?"

"Your brother owes me a lot of money."

"Exactly, my brother owes you. Not me."

"You caught my interest." He shrugged as if it that explained everything.

Hayden wasn't sure what to say. This man had beaten her brother to a pulp,

threatened her with a gun, had her tied up, locked away in a room, and was now

threatening her yet again. Her heart was racing. She didn't want this man to be

interested in her. She didn't want to be anywhere near him. He was cruel and


"1-I want to go home." She whimpered, her eyes watering.

"How old are you?"
She was surprised by his question; she didn't know how her age would make a difference in anything. She felt the bed shift, the weight of his knee pushing the mattress down. He reached for her but she flinched away from him. Her back pressed against the cool metal bars of the headboard. She saw anger flash over his face once more, her breathing picking up.

"Answer me, Hayden."

"23." She breathed out, the change in his voice chilling her more than the bars pressed against her back.

He moved closer to her, his hand clamping around her ankle and pulling her toward him until she was laying on her back under him. Her dress was riding up again, higher than last time. She reached for the bottom of her dress, but his hands caught each wrist and pinned them above her head. Her stomach leaped into her throat, her face burning with embarrassment. She wasn't used to being around men, let alone an extremely attractive and muscular one. He grabbed her chin roughly and forced her to look at him.

"I want you to look at me when you speak. I want to see those beautiful eyes of yours."

Hayden tried to keep eye contact with him, but she was having a hard time. She let her shyness get the best of her and shifted her eyes from his intense gaze. Blaine tightened his grip on her face, a squeal of pain escaping her mouth and her eyes shutting tightly. He turned her head to the side and leaned down, the tip of his nose grazing the skin of her neck. He inhaled deeply, taking in her scent. She began squirming under him, struggling to get away from his grip.

"I wouldn't move too much, kitten. I'm already hard."

Hayden froze, her breath catching in her throat. He raised his head to position his lips closer to her ear. He let out a light chuckle, his teeth nibbling at her ear lobe. She kept her body in place but fought against the hand that was holding her wrists.

"You smell as good as you look." He growled, lowering his body onto her

She could feel his member pressing hard against her thigh. The feeling completely foreign to her. Her body kicking into gear and struggling to get away from him.

"Plea-Please stop!" She gasped out, tears rewetting her cheeks.

He moved away from her ear only to lick a fallen tear from her cheek. As he did, she

could smell liquor on his breath. It was the only reason she could think of as to why

he was attacking her. His free hand landed on her thigh, his fingers digging into her

skin then sliding up toward the hem of her dress.

"Stop!" She screamed.

The hand on her leg stopped moving and he pulled back to look at her. The lust that

had consumed his eyes was turning into confusion as he took in her scared

expression. She had a feeling this man wasn't use to being denied. His hand gripped

her thigh tightly, confusion switching to anger at being rejected. She yelped, her

teeth biting into her lip. A few seconds past before he let go of her wrist. He pushed

himself off her, his eyes staring at her sprawled out body. Her dress barely covering

her underwear.

"Wear this for tonight." He grumbled, yanking off the black t-shirt he wore and

tossed it to her.
Hayden slowly sat up, her heart beating so erratically she thought it would jump out of her chest. She had never had a man touch her like that. Looking down at the shirt he had given her, she slowly closed her hands around it. He didn't say anything else to her, his back to her as he stormed out of the room. She heard the lock click into place, then a door next to hers open and slam shut.

She was in shock from what had happen, her hands on the shirt he gave her but her muscles unable to move. Hearing running water in the room next to hers snapped her from her daze. She didn't want to wear his shirt but knew it was probably cleaner than her work uniform. She crawled off the bed, slipped out of the tattered dress, and pulled the shirt over her head. It was a lot shorter than her uniform but managed to cover her bottom. The sleeves of it falling almost to her elbows. It would do for tonight. She went over to the light switch and turned it off. She was going to need sleep for whatever was to happen tomorrow. She managed to make her way back to the bed without bumping into anything and crawled into the center. It was extremely comfortable, the bedding fluffy and inviting. She pulled the blanket over her, covering her entire body, and snuggled into the pillows. She wanted to escape

into her dreams and forget everything, even if it was only for a little while.

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