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Hayden sat down on the edge of the bed as Blaine left the room. She could feel the ghost of his hands on her, her skin prickling. She didn't understand his lust for her, especially with her constant denial to give him more. He must have women falling to his feet, ready to please. She knew Charlotte was. Not only that but she was supposed to be here because of Silas' debt. She thought back to the last day she had been at home, how ruthless Blaine was with Silas. She assumed Silas had healed well and that he was making all his payments. She didn't understand how he could have racked up such a debt that after months of paying, he hadn't been able to cover it. It must be the interest that's killing him. She bit into her lip, a habit she could never seem to break.

"Hello darling." Her red lips smiling at Hayden. "I've come to help you, lessons and what not."

"Lessons?" Hayden set her glass back down on the tray.

"Blaine wants me to teach you to walk in heels. Well, I suppose make you practice. You can't really teach it." She let out a bubbly giggle. "Honestly, I don't know how you haven't figured it out yet but I am to get you ready for tonight."

"Oh." Hayden glanced over to where her shoes were. "Why do I always have to wear high heels?"

"It's what Blaine likes." Charlotte shrugged.

Hayden examined Charlotte, she was wearing 3" heels again with a short purple dress. It was tight around her chest and stomach, flaring out at the waist. Hayden couldn't believe it took her this long to realize how much Charlotte's appearance was to please Blaine. The woman dressed in her best everything day, or at least every day she was here. What Hayden couldn't figure out is why Blaine and Charlotte we're together and why he was going after her. Charlotte's voice brought her back to reality.

"I know just the outfit for you to wear tonight!"

Charlotte walked over to the closet storing Hayden's clothes. It took her a while but she was able to find the one she wanted. The dress was a black, high-low dress with a halter styled top. The back was completely open but had a silver chain that would lay along her spine..

"Oh wow. Um, I-I don't think that will look good on me, I mean it's-"

"It's going to be amazing! You need more confidence, girl." She laid the dress down on the bed and twirled around to look at Hayden. "Let's get heels on you!"

For a moment. Charlotte felt a spike of jealousy shoot through her. Blaine had never

bought her a ton of clothes or personally invited her to one of his parties. She had to

find out from Grayson or her brother and would show up. No matter what, she told

herself she would not take this out on Hayden. It really wasn't her fault, she had to

stay and had to do whatever Blaine said. It wasn't even her debt. Besides, he made it

very clear to her that he wasn't a one women man.

"Have you and Blaine-" Charlotte paused, unsure if she should ask her question.

"Have we?" Hayden glanced at Charlotte with confusion, nervous about her question.

"Forget I said anything." She walked over to Hayden with silver 3" heels. "Put these

on and walk to the other side of the room."

Hayden accepted the shoes and slipped them on. Her eyes were one Charlotte, contemplating if she should ask her question or not.

"Are you two dating?"

"Blaine and I?" Charlotte laughed. "No. He doesn't date women. He fucks them." Her voice bitter with a hint sorrow. "You'd think I wouldn't hang around because of that-" she sighed deeply. "-but I do. Now walk." She pointed to the other side of the room.

Hayden stood up, feeling wobbly. She could already feel her feet starting to hurt but did as Charlotte insisted, trying to focus on walking without falling or twisting an ankle.

"Stand straight, one foot in front of the other. Keep your steps firm."

They practiced for hours, Hayden's feet growing more and more sore but forcing herself to keep moving. She didn't want to tumble in front of Blaine's guest. She didn't think he would be very happy with her. Charlotte let her break when Carol came in with a salad for each of them but as soon as they were finished, Hayden was back in the heels.

"You're getting it!" Charlotte clapped her hands in excitement..

"My feet hurt." Hayden whined, plopping down on the bed to rest.

Hayden took the heels off and rubbed her feet, attempting to relieve some of the pain before having to wear them again. It was close to 5pm now, Charlotte said the party starts at 7pm.

"They will, it's a lot to get used to. But beauty is pain." Charlotte winked at her. "Let's do your hair and makeup."

"Ugh, makeup?"

"Do you ever stop whining?" She laughed. "Come on. Let's get you all dolled up."

Charlotte grabbed Hayden's arm and practically dragged her into the bathroom. She had brought a large bag full of makeup, hair spray, a curling iron, and other hair accessories. As much as Charlotte hated the fact that she was dressing up Hayden for Blaine, she did enjoy having another girl around. Most girls didn't stick around after Blaine tossed them aside for another woman. Then again, Hayden was a different story all together. Another hour went by as Charlotte curled Hayden's long hair and applied a light makeup. Her plan was to pin up Hayden's hair up but decided last minute to keep it to the side so that it was down but didn't cover her back. She

wanted to show off the design of the dress. As for makeup, she didn't want to put too

much on her. She did black mascara, light foundation to smooth out her skin, and a

soft pink lip gloss.

"My dear, you are a natural beauty."

"It doesn't seem like any of this is natural to me." Hayden giggled, she was starting to

like Charlotte.

"You made her laugh."

Charlotte and Hayden both turned their heads to see Blaine standing in the door

way. Both women had very different reactions. While Charlotte smiled and grew

overly excited, Hayden's smile disappeared and she turned away from him.

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