Chapter 8

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A/N: This chapter is kinda like a filler and it's just filled with fluff so you can skip this chapter if you want. If you want some extra fluff, go ahead and read this. This was made specifically for you.

Also, I'm working on a new hsr ship fanfic rn. Any guesses? (Mlm)


It was the night right after. And, yes, Alhaitham did keep his promise and go on that date with Kaveh. They had a great time together. Kaveh was on Alhaitham's bed, laying his head on Alhaitham's lap as they were both in their sleeping outfits. Kaveh had a sketchbook in his hands, working on the design of the device.

"So this is kind of the idea I wanted to pitch to you," Kaveh said as he felt cold fingers run through his hair, "I did this with my group of friends back in the future. Unfortunately, we used some materials that don't exist in this timeline. But I'm sure we can find something."

Alhaitham nodded. Quite oddly though, he wasn't even looking at the sketch that thoroughly. He was only looking at Kaveh as he continued talking. Alhaitham then said, "Just let me know if you want me to fetch someone."

Kaveh chuckled softly, "Sure, Mr. Has Connections With Everyone. I'll be sure to let you know, don't worry."

"Did you not comb your hair this morning?" Alhaitham asked as he was still running his fingers through Kaveh's hair. "It's kind of.. tangled."

Kaveh looked up at Alhaitham in shock, still not raising his head up though, "What?! Tangled? Is there a knot in my hair?! Does it look that bad?! No, I combed my hair this morning, I always do."

Alhaitham sighed deeply, "Kaveh, chill out, you're fine." He then reached out to grab a comb on the nightstand, "You just have a small knot. And, either way, it's just us two here. You literally don't need to impress anyone."

Alhaitham then combed Kaveh's hair, attempting to untie the small knot in his hair. Kaveh frowned, "But I need to impress you though. I have to look my best, you know? This is embarrassing, isn't it?"

"Kaveh.." Alhaitham used his other hand to softly pinch Kaveh's cheek, "I literally do not care how you look. I'd still love you no matter what, as long as you're being yourself around me."

A slight tint of blush and a bright smile could be found on Kaveh's face. "Well, you flatter me, Sage."

A smile then, also, formed on Alhaitham's face, "I know I do, and I'm glad I do." Then he leaned down to give Kaveh a kiss on his forehead, "I'll give you one on your lips if you tell me you love me."

Without hesitation, Kaveh blurted out, "I love you, Haitham."

Alhaitham sighed, still smiling as he pulled Kaveh up to give him a kiss on his lips. And this time, however, wasn't just a small and quick kiss. It was more of a passionate one. A kind of kiss you'd give to your crush that you've liked for years and they'd finally confessed to you. That was the kind of feeling they had at that very moment. They stayed there for almost a whole minute, before Kaveh leaned back because his neck got sore.

Kaveh then bit his bottom lip softly, smiling, "After such a short time, you've gotten much better at kissing people, Haitham."

Alhaitham scoffed, "I could say the same thing about you, but," He shrugged his shoulders, "Guess you've always had someone to practice with over the past four years."

Kaveh sighed, seemingly annoyed, "Really, Haitham? Okay, sure, I've kissed her before, but like ONCE, all right? And that was during the marriage. We were forced too. I didn't do it in my free will!"

"Sure, Kaveh," Alhaitham moved the messy hair off of Kaveh's head, "Whatever you say."

Kaveh frowned, but in a more angry way. "Hey! What do you mean by that? We both know I wouldn't kiss any other person than you volunteeringly."

"Yes, yes." Alhaitham smiled, but it seemed kind of fake. Oh, come on, was he being sarcastic to annoy Kaveh again? "Like I stated earlier, whatever you say."

Kaveh groaned loudly as he sat up, "You're so annoying, Haitham." He said before pulling Alhaitham by the collar in to give him another, slightly long, passionate, loving kiss. "I hate you so much."

"I love you too, Kaveh." Alhaitham grabbed Kaveh's hand and held it tightly in his, grabbing a book with the other hand. He flipped through the pages and started reading.

Kaveh seemed extremely offended. They were having such a loving, romantic moment, and Alhaitham just picked out a book to read right in front of him? Okay, maybe it did help a bit with the fact that Alhaitham was holding his hand, but still. That was a bit rude, no? "Seriously? You're gonna go back to reading after we've just had a, very, I might add, romantic moment?"

Alhaitham looked up from his book, raising an eyebrow, "Hm? What's so wrong about reading books now? You weren't so against it before. Or did you change? Sorry, I wouldn't know."

"Haitham!" At that point, it was so obvious that Alhaitham was just trying to annoy Kaveh on purpose. Sure, he might've been a teensy bit jealous, but he was mostly doing it to piss Kaveh off. Kaveh rested his chin on Alhaitham's shoulder, fingers still intertwined, "Come on, Haitham, don't be like that. I love you, and you know that."

"What do you mean?" Alhaitham asked, trying to act as clueless as ever. And boy, was it working so well. Kaveh was so fed up with this stupid little act.

"You know, you make it really hard for me to leave and go back." Kaveh gripped onto Alhaitham's hand even tighter, "I'll miss you.. again.. just more than ever. I just... I love you a lot."

Alhaitham looked back at Kaveh, tucking his hair behind his ear for his, "It's okay. You're here right now, and that's all that matters. Just enjoy your time in the present. You can worry about the future later. We still have plenty of time to spend together."

"Yeah but.." Kaveh slightly frowned where it wasn't obvious, looking down, "Thing is, I want to spend the rest of my life with you. I don't ever want to leave you. Never again."

Alhaitham chuckled, "I know. But what can we do? All we can really do now is enjoy the time we have together. When the time comes, we just have to accept it. You have to accept it. But for now," Alhaitham caressed Kaveh's hand softly, "Let's just enjoy the time we have together and not think so far ahead, all right?"

"Mmm, you're right." Kaveh then started to laugh, "You know, this is the first time in a decade I've actually agreed with you on something."

"You always should've agreed with me, because I'm always right. Unfortunately, your wisdom doesn't match mine." Alhaitham blurted out, purposefully trying to annoy Kaveh.

Kaveh rolled his eyes, "Oh come on. Is enjoying the time we have together just pissing me off to you?"

"Maybe." Alhaitham smiled.
"Go fuck yourself."
"All right. All right, I'm sorry."

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