Chapter 10

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"So, how's the food?" Alhaitham asked, stood up as he was getting some more food from the middle of the table.

Kaveh nodded, food still in his mouth, "Yeah, it's really good. Is this your own recipe or what? I don't think I've ever tried it before."

Alhaitham sat back down with the plate full of food. "Yeah. I kind of took inspiration from one of the guys at the Akademiya. He helped me with it when I went out to work that one day like a week ago."

"Mm." Kaveh continued to gobble down the food on his plate, "The scenery of the Palace of Alcazarzay is still as pretty as ever. Not as pretty as you, though." He smiled, turning back to look at Alhaitham. "Oh yeah, by the way, what's the guy's name?"

Alhaitham shrugged his shoulders, "I don't know, don't remember. I never really wanted to remember either way, so... I just know he had pitch black hair, it was short, and blue eyes. Also, you need to stop talking while chewing. It's so distracting." He complained, wiping the food stains off of Kaveh's lips with a tissue.

Kaveh completely ignored that last part and went on rambling, "Ohhh, I think I know him. I forgot his name, too, but I worked with him before I'm pretty sure. He's a pretty nice guy to be honest."

Alhaitham rolled his eyes and grabbed the tissue himself, wiping the food off of Kaveh's lips. "You're so damn messy. How'd you even get a wife being so untidy and messy?"

To be honest, Kaveh only acted this way around Alhaitham. If he was living or hanging out with anyone else, he'd be much tidier than this. Maybe he just felt really comfortable around Alhaitham. He leaned forward a bit, just to make it easier for Alhaitham to wipe the excess off.

After a while, they both finished their food. Kaveh suggested that they went to the higher ground to enjoy the scenery. Alhaitham, of course, agreed to it. The two of them made their way up the palace.

Kaveh took a seat down, and Alhaitham did so too right next to him. "Kaveh, I'll really miss you when you leave." Alhaitham said.

Kaveh turned to look at his junior, softly smiling. He reached out for his hand, holding it tightly, "Me too. But, don't worry, I'll do everything in my power to come back to you when I can."

Alhiatham was almost reassured considering how he smiled back, "You promise?"

"Promise." Kaveh leaned over to lay his head on Alhaitham's shoulder, shutting his eyes tight. He then reached both of his arms to hug around Alhaitham's waist. "I love you."

"You've been saying that a lot lately. Is there something you haven't told me?" Alhaitham looked down at Kaveh, playing with his hair.

Kaveh slowly shook his head and replied, "No, I just love you. I just want to let you know that. Because, like you told me, all we can do is enjoy the time we have left together. And during this time, I want you to know how much I love you."

Kaveh and Alhaitham stayed there for almost a whole hour, just talking about everything they've been through as if one of them were laying on their deathbed. The only difference was that this time, it was all smiles and laughs instead of cries and frowns. They always enjoyed each other's company, and Kaveh leaving again would have a huge impact on Alhaitham's performance at work, or literally in general. Unfortunately, all they can do is accept it. Kaveh had to go back. He had responsibilities he couldn't deny or turn away from it. The people of the future need him. He was their only hope to solve the crisis there. Of course, Kaveh couldn't leave the people of the place he'd lived in for four years to face such a devastating crisis on their own without trying even a bit to help them. It would've drowned on Kaveh so bad, he wouldn't ever be able to forgive himself.

Suddenly, there was a loud ding notification from Kaveh's watch, signaling that the time machine was ready, and Kaveh could go back any time within the next hour. Alhaitham seemed to know this as well even before Kaveh had said anything, so he stood up and reached out his hand, "Come on, Kaveh. They need you. It's time for you to go back." Obviously, Alhaitham was hurt by the fact that his love had to leave, but he knew it was the only right thing to do. At least, this time, he could say farewell.

Kaveh looked up at Alhaitham and gave him a 'convincing himself he was happy' smile. He took Alhaitham's hand, standing up. "Mm. Let's go.." He replied softly.

Alhaitham and Kaveh walked back to their house as they non-stop shared their thoughts about almost everything. They had so many conversations that brightened up the mood.

Finally, after twenty minutes, they reached home. They were both in the study room as Kaveh picked up the portable time machine. He took a deep breath, "Haitham. Before I go, I just want to let you know that I love you more than anything in this world, whether you're in the past, present, or even the future. I'll love you in any universe and timeline. I know that fate will allow us to meet again. And if it doesn't, I'll make it happen. I promise. I swear with my life on it..." Kaveh stated, tears starting to form in his eyes.

Alhaitham chuckled softly. Looking on the bright side, it was cute that Kaveh was saying all these sweet things. "I love you too, Kaveh. And I trust you. I trust we'll meet again some day." He walked over and placed a keychain on Kaveh's hands, "Look, this was your favorite keychain. I remember us picking it out in Port Ormos together. Keep it with you unt we meet again, yeah?"

Kaveh nodded, stuffing the keychain in his pocket, "Yeah, I will." He stared at Alhaitham for a little while before going in for a long hug, occasionally giving him kisses during this very hug.

Alhaitham was going to break the hug, but considering it'd be their last time seeing each other in a while, he just let Kaveh take his time. It was hard for the both of them, but they'd manage. According to Kaveh, Alhaitham was the emotionally strongest person he'd ever met, and Kaveh had met way too many people.

After a long while, Kaveh broke the hug and gave Alhaitham one final kiss. "Until the next time I see you, Haitham. I love you."

"I love you too." Those were the last things Kaveh heard before pressing that very button on the device which then transported him back to the future.


"Kaveh, Kaveh! Are you okay?" Kaveh blinked a few times, hearing a familiar male voice. Huh. He fully opened his eyes to see his friends all around him.

Kaveh coughed out, "Oh, Darius.. Lorei, and Elias, you're here too." He shook his head, "Um, I'm fine guys."

"Okay, you're definitely not fine. Your temperature is extremely high, and, not to mention, your eyes are bloodshot red!" Lorei exclaimed, obviously worried.

Kaveh stayed silent for a few seconds before finally admitting, "I saw him, again."


A/N: it's ok guys this isn't the end yet I'll give u guys ur happy ending (if I feel like it) <33

QOTC: I know we're not done with this story yet, but what other story would you like me to do? (Read my introduction to author to see my ships)

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