Chapter 12 (FINALE)

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A/N: ok this chapter was quite rushed cus I was too lazy to write but happy Kaveh in this chapter woohoooo


Kaveh woke up from his sleep, realizing that the sun wasn't as bright as it was back in Sumeru because of the large amount of carbon dioxide in the air. However, it was slightly brighter than usual. Before, it'd be completely dark with absolutely no sunlight. He sat up, rubbing his eyes. He turned to see that Lorei had already woken up, which was weird. She usually woke up really late, so she must've had something important to do. Kaveh decided he wanted to know what it was that made her get up so early, so he walked out to the common room.

There, he saw Elias sitting on the couch, eating a bag of chips while watching the news on the television. Kaveh walked over and sat next to him. "Morning Elias. Have you seen Lorei and Darius anywhere?"

Elias turned around to look at Kaveh and smiled, "Oh, you're awake already! Also.. uh- no! I haven't seen them. I think they went out to get some supplies! With the device you made of course.."

Elias was acting a little suspicious, but Kaveh just ignored it. He leaned back and sighed deeply, "So... Any new information? And I mean relevant information. I don't want to hear any more of your bull crap."

"Hey! My information is not bull crap. And anyways, no. I haven't gotten any new information. But, come on, Kaveh. It's a Saturday. You should relax a little." Elias said as he continued to eat his chips, "You want some?"

Kaveh shook his head, "No thanks." He was clearly stressed out, and did in fact, did not want to relax. He wanted to just get this mess done and over with.

The two friends talked over the matter for a while before Lorei came running into the room, "Kaveh, Kaveh! I have something really important to show you. Come to Darius's room real quick, I know you'll like this surprise." She exclaimed with a smile on her face.

Kaveh raised an eyebrow. He was very much interested in what could be so important that he'll like so much. He stood up and followed Lorei to Darius's room.

When Lorei opened the door, Kaveh saw the originally unfinished device that they tried to make to filter the carbon dioxide from the air. However, this time, it looked a little... different.

Lorei walked up to the device and picked it up, "So, with a little help, we got this thing working. We were missing some biomass energy and some other stuff, I really don't know. That's also why I woke up really early today, if you were wondering."

Kaveh was very surprised at the fact that Lorei and Darius could've done such a thing in such a short period of time. That was, unless they had someone else helping them? He quickly picked up the device, "Well then... What are you waiting for? We have to get this to the factory and-"

"Kaveh, calm down." Darius interrupted him, "We already sent the actual prototype to the factory early in the morning. Don't worry about it. This is just one of the other copies they gave to us. They're probably handing them out to the government officials right now. Did you not watch the news this morning? The air right now has been slightly cleared, so we can walk out without having to wear a hazmat suit or whatever. Plus, we have another surprise for you."

Kaveh stared at the two of them in confusion. He was quite interested in what this surprise might be. "Come on, come with me." Lorei wrapped a blindfold around Kaveh's eyes and lead him outside to their backyard. Of course, Darius also followed along with Elias in the back.

"Okay, Kaveh," Lorei let go of him, "You can take the blindfold off now." She said before the other 3 walked back to the front of the house.

Kaveh slowly took off his blindfold, squinting his eyes to adjust to the light. Ugh, it had been a while since his friends were even able to step outside without any type of tool helping them. Then, he saw a figure of a man sitting on the swing in front of him. A familiar one.

The man turned his face to meet Kaveh's eyes, and oh goodness. Kaveh thought he was dreaming. Alhaitham smiled softly "It's only been a day, you know? I mean, for you at least." He said before standing up and walking up to Kaveh. Then, he brushed the hair off his face, "It was a week for me. I missed you a lot."

Kaveh was quite literally about to faint at that very moment, "Okay, first of all, how did you get here? And- second- were you the person who helped my friends complete the device... And, thirdly, since when did you get here?"

"Yes, I was the one who helped your friends complete the air filter thing." Alhaitham crossed his arms against his chest, "Anyways, you left that distress signal watch back at the house, and your friends actually contacted me through it. I got here like... quite a few hours ago."

Kaveh stood there for a while, trying to process everything. Honestly, he was just happy to meet Alhaitham again. Then, he pulled Alhaitham in for a hug. And to Kaveh's surprise, he hugged back instead of giving him a lecture. He didn't know why he thought that way, either. Perhaps it was just a habit Alhaitham always had.

"Oh come on, Kaveh," Alhaitham said, not breaking the hug, "It hasn't even been 24 hours, and you miss me that much..."

Kaveh pulled away and stared at Alhaitham, offended, "Well, of course I do. I didn't even know if I was ever going to see you again. Do you know how much the thought of that kept me up at night?"

"Hm? Weren't you the one who promised me that we'll meet again? And even if fate were against us, you said you'd do everything in your power to make it happen. Did you forget that?" Alhaitham reminded.

Kaveh gave Alhaitham a quick kiss on the lips before continuing to talk, "Well yeah but... I didn't know if that would've been enough. I'm sorry.." He hugged Alhaitham, burying his face in his neck.

The word sorry shouldn't even be in Kaveh's vocabulary bank. He never had it until probably now. Alhaitham then started playing with Kaveh's hair, "It's okay, Kaveh. But for now, we should get back inside." Then, the both of them walked back into the house.

The five people in the house all sat down together in the common room. Then, Lorei spoke, "Okay, I just want to thank you so much for helping us with this crisis. Honestly, we were working so hard on this for a whole year."

"Don't mention it." Alhaitham said, Kaveh sitting right next to him. "It was to your original plan and thought that I actually found out this new information."

"Yeah, by the way," Darius spoke in as well, "Since the crisis is being cleared right now, why can't you just stay here? I mean, it'd make Kaveh less depressed than he always is." He slightly teased.

"No." Kaveh said, leaning back on the couch. "He can't. He's the Acting Grand Sage of the Akademiya, and the people of Sumeru needs him."

Lorei sighed, rolling her eyes, "Oh come on, Kaveh. You're always like this and take it out on us when you're feeling depressed. Just go back."

"Did you forget already?" Kaveh scoffed, "Lorei, I died in Sumeru, and everyone thinks that. I don't know what's going to happen if I just randomly go back and live there permanently.

"Well, guys, I actually have a solution this time." Elias said, smiling. "You know, we can all just travel from time to time. I mean, we can just make more copies of that watch to communicate over time."

Lorei nodded, actually finally agreeing with him for once, "You know what? I agree with him on this. There's no harm in traveling through time either way."

Kaveh sighed, "Sure. Fine. Whatever you guys want."


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