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Anya's POV:

Pratik and I departed because we both had different classes to attend. I had to go to 10th building for my other class. I don't guess, I need to do any excercise after going from here because already I had walked a lot that my food would have digested till now. I entered the 10th building. I was on my way to go on 2nd floor, then only I saw a blond hair girl, she was pretty and there were two girls behind her maybe her minions.

The blond girl came towards me," You are a fresher, right?"

" Yes."

" Oh, I love your dressing style." She said to me which showed how sarcastically she meant it.

One of her minions which had pink coloured dye on her hair said," Yah, just like a 5 year old kid." And they all bursted in laughter. Such a bitch.

" Of course, it's cute. Instead of those uncomfortable fitted dresses which shows your ass and boobs completely." I said taunting them because their dressing sense was pathetic according to me, according to boys it would be sexy because it showed their parts.

The other minion which had black hair said," Kiddo, don't you think you speaks a lot."

" Of course not Aunty. It's nothing compared to you. Such a difficult thing to taunt everyone. Have a nice day all of you." I said while pushing them aside from my way and I entered the class. Where no one gave me any attention. I saw a girl waving towards me. She was pretty but unlike everyone else she wore things which looked good on her and were comfortable. She wore a pick colour cute crop top and fitted jeans. She was so beautiful. I also waved at her and sat next to her.

" Hey! You are pretty."

" Thank you. You are much more prettier."

" Not at all. I am Anjali."

" I am Anya."

" I saw you talking to Tia. You were so cool, no one ever had talked to her like that. You are impressive."

" She deserved that."

" She always does ragging of people."

" Who cares what she does or what she doesn't."

" You really are something. I am so thankful you were clothes like this because I was feeling very unsecure because of my clothes."

" Instead you look pretty than others."

" Really?"

" Ofcourse, showing your ass doesn't looks good. You look better than others. Rich people are really headache."

" By the way, I am also rich. Do I also count in your headache?"

" Of course not, not everyone is headache."

" Can I be your friend?"

" Sure, I would love to." Soon the class was over. Only one more class was left.

" Hey, let's meet at lunch."

" Sure." Now I had to go to 25th building. I exited the building to see some boys talking their.

" Hey, sweetheart." A man said to me. The man was handsome and tall.

" Do you won't some handsome boys to show you the way?" He said in a flirty way. The boys around him also saw me like a prey for their some kind of mischief.

" By the way where is that handsome boy you are talking about." His friends laughed, I thought he would be angry but instead he was amused.

" I like your courage, sweetheart."

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