My hoodie

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Anya's POV:

He went outside and I also came outside and while I was walking downstairs, my mother's and his mother's eyes fell on me and I can tell that they are shocked us hell. I sat on the couch. Armaan was drinking water in the kitchen.

" Do you care to explain how you went with a dress and are coming with a hoodie?" My mother asked.

" Actually.. I went to wash my hands and by mistake I switched the shower on because of that my dress became wet and Armaan was kind enough to give me one of his hoodies." I say from the side of my eyes that his eyes widened. Did I tell you, I am fabulous liar.

Aunty said when he was going upstairs," Armaan you should have opened the tap for her." He still went ignoring his mother's scolding. Wow, aunty is amazing she is scolding her own son even though it is not his mistake. I wish I get a mother-in-law like her.

" It was her mistake, stop scolding Armaan. And Anya come we are getting late. Bye dear." My mother hugged her a last time. My mother started going and I also stood but was stopped," Anya will you wait a minute." Aunty said.

" Yes." And I again sat on the couch.

" Beta, I know my idiot son , he wouldn't have said anything to you but if you were face any problem in the university tell him. He will surely help you."

" Sure, aunty." He will help me, I know this for sure.

" And beta, I want ask something from you."

" Yes."

" Help my son making a girlfriend. I know it maybe a little awkward but I am very worried because of him, he never talks to girl. You are literally the second girl, whom he talked with. And he talked with a girl but when he was 5. If this continues then it would be difficult for me to get a daughter-in-law but I literally don't want my son to marry a man. And in return I will buy you anything you want. Tell me what you want."

" Aunty, it's kinda hard but I can try. You know he is rude but girls die on his money and body so won't be very hard. So I can try and.... I don't want anything just give me a treat."

" Ok. So deal done."

" Yes." And we both did high five.

(Two days later) :

I went to the college wearing his hoodie only. I am in no mood of giving his hoodie back to him.

We went for the pratice. One girl said while looking at me," Isn't it Armaan's hoodie?"

" Wait, no. Can only there be one hoodie that Armaan wears." I said to her.

" Come on bro. It's of Louis Vuitton and there's no way you can buy it for yourself and if somehow you buy also you will buy girl's clothes not boy's hoodie." Oh that actually makes sense, it's very expensive. Well I don't care it's mine now.

" Whatever. It's not his." I said while rolling his eyes.

Armaan and other boys came. Armaan saw what I was wearing and he gave me death glares which I ignored. Prateek and Naksh also noticed me and mouthed," We will talk later to you." After that like always did excercise and now I was left alone with my mentor.

" Why the hell are you wearing my hoodie?"

" Now it's not yours. Now it's mine."

" No, it's mine."

" Say whatever you say but I am not giving it back. It's not like you are going to take it out of me."

" You are going to spread rumours."

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