| Prologue |

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"Are you sure about this?"

"I'm sure about this mission, Rune." Talon reassured his wife.

They were going to the snowy exoplanet Copper9, which sounded easier said than done according to Rune. But Talon was confident that they would be able to accomplish this mission. Besides, this mission seems to be simple. They will have weapons, food, water and communication with Earth. If things go sideways, they will always call for back up. What could possibly go wrong?

"Talon, I was talking about leaving our son with your brother, Fang and his wife, Lei. Alex told me how his cousins would constantly make fun of him and bully him ever since he got into robots. I also heard from your brother that Lei doesn't even like Alex." Rune said with concern as she was sorting out the food supply in a box for them.

Talon was about to argue, but stopped himself. Rune does have a point. Ever since his son, Alexander, got into his robot phase, his cousins, aunt and grandparents despised him. But mostly his cousins. Even his aunt doesn't like him. Always talking trash behind his back while hanging out with her friends, according to what Fang told him. Talon doesn't understand, he just wants Alex to get along with his cousins Radian, Rae and Raze.

He also doesn't understand why Lei and Fang named their children with the same first letters of their names but hey, he doesn't judge.

".. I'm sure Fang will take care of him. He can just stay away from his aunt, the R's and my parents. Especially Rae, I don't know what her deal is with little Alex." Talon said to Rune, but she was still hesitant about the idea. "Whatever you say, hun.."

"Rune! Talon! The landing pod is ready!" One of their workers, Fennec, shouted. He ran up to them and gave them their protection suits. It was their first time seeing their suits. Black with neon lines in the crevices of it. Talon's neon lines colors were orange, while Rune's was purple. Talon wasn't expecting much, but the suits still looked pretty cool. Fennec brought the boots as well. "I wish you two luck. Hopefully you'll find the patch and try to find a way to terminate the last Disassembly Drones. I'm sure JCJenson (IN SPAAAAACEE!!!!) will be proud!" He exclaimed.

"I'm sure they will." Talon retrieved the suits from Fennec "I'll put these in the landing pod. Rune, make sure we have enough food and water for this trip. Also try to find the gas masks. I think I left them with Dr. Choi." Rune nodded and continued doing her thing, still seeming nervous. Talon kissed her cheek reassuringly and went off to the landing pod.

Several of the workers were around the landing pod, still adding the finishing touches to make sure it's completely ready. However, he doesn't see his son anywhere. "Huh, I wonder where Alex went off to. Oh well, maybe he's with his uncle." Talon thought as he walked into the landing pod.

He put on his protection suit and boots after putting the tools, medkit and weapons in the lockers. His wife came in shortly after. She started putting on the protection suit while giving Talon his gas mask. It looked like an average cyberpunk neon gas mask, with a visor and a orangish theme. Her gas mask was purplish. The gas masks matched their suits.

"Have you seen Alex anywhere? I can't find him.." Rune said as she was putting on her own gas mask. "I don't know, he's probably with Fang. Maybe he's taking this so hard that he doesn't wanna say goodbye..." Rune looked down in guilt, but they both knew they had to do this. They had to find the patch in the Cabin Fever labs and find the Sentinels to kill off the last three Disassembly Drones. The last three murder pets on Copper9 that were sent from Cyn.

They sat down on the pilot seats, buckling themselves in and getting ready to lift off. Everything was set and ready. They had their weapons, food supply, water supply, medkit, gas masks, protection suits, everything. As the countdown began, they suddenly heard muffled banging under the floor trapdoor. "No, no, no! Wait, I'm still in here!" Alex's voice shouted desperately from underneath. Rune stared at Talon in horror. Their son was still on the pod. "Oh shit! Alex?! Wait, don't lift off yet! Alex is still-" It was too late. The countdown already reached 0.

The landing pod blasted off into space, with their son onboard.

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