| Chapter 6: Untold Truths |

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Alex slowly opened his eyes, yawning and stretching his arms widely. He looked up at him, seeing N still in sleep mode. N still had his arms around him, just a bit loosely since he was turned off.

He started gently tapping N's visor, causing him to wake up. He blinked, and looked down. "Are you doing okay now, kiddo?" N asked drowsily, yawning a bit. But he still had his eyes peering down at him with concern, his voice full of softness. Alex slowly nodded, then replied; "Yeah, I'm doing okay now. I-I was just... so shaken up by that dream that I had to come to you." N smiled fondly at him. He gave him a little thumbs up. "It's fine. You can come to me anytime you feel alone or scared. You know that, right?" Alex nodded, smiling up at him. Even though his chemical mask hid his smile, N could still tell that his little buddy was grateful. Judging by the thankful glimmer in his eyes.

Alex got up off of N, stretching his back and yawning. He suddenly felt his stomach growl. N noticed too as he stood up, looking down at him. "I should probably get you back to your base," N suggested, "do you want me to walk with you or fly you over there?" Alex thought for a moment. He wanted to fly in the air with N, but then again, he just wanted to have a peaceful stroll down the city. Besides, he just woke up. He doesn't need a fast flight back to his bunker. "Can we just walk?" He pleaded, N nodding in understanding. He set Alex on the ladder, waiting until he climbed it up. Then he followed suit.

Alex slid off the landing pod carefully, looking around the base. He was still so shaken by that nightmare, he didn't want to be going back to his base alone. He looked up at V, who was still in sleep mode, and shuddered. N came right beside him and held out his hand in a supportive manner. Alex took his finger, and they started walking out of the corpse tower. Alex was looking down, thinking about his nightmare. How N supposedly turned on him, and how his aunt was not only insulting him, but also shot his first ever friend. He tightened his grip around N's finger, making N feel more sympathetic.

 He tightened his grip around N's finger, making N feel more sympathetic

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"Hey... Remember what I said yesterday. It was just a nightmare, it's not real." N softly said, patting Alex's head a bit. The little kid nodded, but was still uncertain. "I know... but it just looked so real. And what if it was true? I don't want it to be true..." He slowly responded, hugging N's arm at this point. N smiled, but still felt concerned for the human boy. "I know it did, but I'm here now. And I'm okay, I'm alive and well. And Lei isn't here. Uzi's okay and V's okay, I promise." Alex looked up at N as the robot reassured him. He felt really grateful for N's help and kindness, he doesn't know where he would be now if he never met N.

They continued walking down the frosty sidewalk in silence, N keeping Alex close to himself. He really hoped Earth was okay, since that nightmare said otherwise.

They eventually saw trees sprouting up ahead, that means they were close. Alex decided to make some small talk with N, since this silent stroll was just getting awkward at this point. "Um... do you think there was any life on Copper9 before the core exploded? Like aliens or something?" He asked N. That caused him to ponder for a moment. N replied, "Well, I haven't been here for a really long time, so I don't know. Maybe, but it would be cool! What if there were dogs here?!" N started wagging his tail like a dog would, making Alex giggle. N was such a dork, but it helped him feel better.

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