| Chapter 7: Uzi's Plan |

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Alex was sleeping peacefully in his bed, with a little smile on his face. Everything was nice and peaceful, undisturbed and comfortable. Nothing could possibly ruin this nice slumber, until...

BEEP! BEEP! BEEP! Alex yelped and jumped from his sleep, darting his head across the room to find where the loud noise was coming from. But then he realized... it was just his alarm clock. Again. He groaned and tried stopping it, but it just wouldn't. It continued to mockingly beep at Alex, as if to annoy him. He growled and slammed his fist on the button, then threw it to the floor. It finally stopped beeping. "Hm." He snorted with a proud look on his face. He jumped off of his bed and looked around the room. It's time to start another day! Or... night.

He does his regular nighttime routine, taking a shower and putting on new clothes. He went to the kitchen and grabbed his rehydrated ingredients for his breakfast, biscuits with Vegemite. He warmed up the biscuits, placed them on a plate and spread Vegemite on them. Once he was done, he went to the dining table and started eating. He always loved biscuits with Vegemite, it was one of his favorite foods. He continued munching on them, thinking about the cool boomerang weapons he made yesterday. He can't wait to show them to N and Uzi, he hopes that they think it looks cool!

He eventually finished and brushed his lips with a napkin, taking his plate to the dishwasher. He went to the bathroom to do his business, brush his teeth, etc. He technically moved on from the nightmare, but there was still a sense of dread from that horrible dream. It was the realism in it. Of course, the scenario isn't the most realistic thing in the world, but it looked a bit real. His toothbrush trembled slightly while he was brushing his teeth. After he was all done, he put on his protection suit and chemical mask, putting the boomerangs on his belt. Before he walked towards his door, he decided to put his alarm clock back on his nightstand and adjust it a bit, since he regretted throwing it to the floor. Then he went back to the door with a satisfied smile, pressing the button. He was certain that he wouldn't get jumpscared by those fast sliding doors this time, but he still managed to flinch a little. He sighed and walked out of the room.

He went to the ladder and climbed up, opening the hatch and poking his head outside. He looked around, saw that it was nighttime, and climbed out of it. He closed the hatch and took a deep breath, gazing around the snowy forest. He looked up at the glowing celestial bodies in the sky, they were always so beautiful to look at.

 He looked up at the glowing celestial bodies in the sky, they were always so beautiful to look at

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He set off to the city, holding on tightly to his boomerangs. After seeing his parents' photos, he is trying to find any snow devils to watch out for. Even though they seem harmless, he still has to be careful. Eventually, he made it to the city, heading towards the corpse tower. However, something caught his eye that he hadn't noticed before or never paid attention to. There were... broken sirens around the city? There were very few, but there still are broken sirens he noticed. They were probably wrecked after the core collapse, but why were there sirens in the first place? "Was it for the Disassembly Drones? No... they came after. Maybe... maybe avalanches? Nah... the mountains are too far away. Possibly... snow devils? But why would they need sirens for snow devils? Unless they're snownadoes? No, that can't be possible. Can it?" Alex thought for a long time as he got closer and closer to the tower, holding his e-map just in case.

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