| Chapter 9: Railway To Nowhere |

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The next few nights were weird.

One night, he would have a dream about Uzi hunting him or other Worker Drones down, and the next night, he would be devoured by some sort of meat pie monster. He definitely had some weird nightmares.

Tonight, he woke up with a cold sweat again. He thought Uzi was gonna actually kill him for a second in that nightmare. But once he looked around, he sighed of relief. "Thank goodness, it was just a dream." He thought as he slowly got off his bed, putting on his bird themed slippers. He rarely wore them, his parents found them outside one night when he was little and decided to clean them and give them to him. Back then, they were way too big for him. He couldn't even get around in them with how big they were. But now, they fit just fine for his feet. His alarm clock beeped, causing him to jump. It just was starting to get irritating now. He scowled and slammed his fist on the off button, making it shut up immediately.

He got ready for the night. Put on his clothes, eat his breakfast, and put on his protection suit and gas mask. He had to get more water supply again. He heaved the device on his back and went up the ladder, almost slipping off from time to time. His life flashed before his eyes whenever he almost missed a bar or sometimes the water purifier was too heavy. Eventually, he made it to his trapdoor. He opened it up, and climbed out. After he takes care of his water supply, he'll go find his friends. He closed the trapdoor and made his way towards the frozen lake. Alex remembered when he, N, V and the other campers slid canoes across the frozen lake west of the city. It still didn't make sense to

He trudged through the snow, feeling like the breeze was starting to pick up. It made him shiver. He eventually arrived at the frozen solid lake and drilled the machine in, turning it on, and waited. He hugged himself, hoping that would help him warm up against the growing speed of the breeze. The protection suit helped sort of, but he can still feel the wind blow through his hair. It was as cold as his aunt's personality. After about 5 minutes, his purifier beeped. Signaling that it was completed. He undrilled it and heaved it onto his back, feeling the water swish between the walls of the inside. He looked up through the branches of the towering trees above, seeing the celestial bodies in the sky already. He hoped he didn't sleep too late...

He sighed and continued moving on, grunting from the heavy weight of the filled up water purifier

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He sighed and continued moving on, grunting from the heavy weight of the filled up water purifier. He wished this thing didn't have to be so dang heavy. He eventually made it to his trapdoor, brushing the snow off of it, of course. He opened the latch and took a deep breath. Alex gripped on the first bar and started downwards slowly, closing the latch before him. He was very careful, his breath shaky. He's always like this when he's carrying the purifier on his back down the ladder. Probably something he'll never get used to, even if it's part of his to-do list.

He made it down safely, with a long sigh from climbing down that ladder with a heavy purifier on his back. He thought he was gonna slip and fall several times. He made his way towards his sliding door and pressed the button, still flinching at the fast moving door. He huffed and went inside, doing his usual procedure for purifying the water. Attaching it to the freshener inside the wall, watching the water swirl around in awe. He detached the water bottle from his belt and opened the cap, pulling the lever of the dispenser and waiting till the water fills the bottle to the brim. Once he's satisfied, he turns off the dispenser and puts the cap back on, taking the latch off and his gas mask off and drinking the water.

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