| Chapter 11: Unforseen Twist-er |

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It was another sunny day in Sydney, Australia. Like any other day, really.

The sun blistering hot, the flying vehicles going to and frow across the city, and the sky as blue as ever. Minus a few cloudy areas in the sky. Alex was peering out the window from his parents' own flying vehicle. They were going to their aunt's and cousin's house. Alex didn't really want to go to this family meeting, since almost everybody there either ignored him or just hated him. His parents knew about this, but there was really nothing they could do. They had to go here, since it's a family MEETING. But they will try their hardest to keep Alex away from his cousins.

 But they will try their hardest to keep Alex away from his cousins

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Arterra Interactive on YouTube, edited by me

Alex was 3-going-on-4 years old at the time, so of course he was still in a child safety car seat. He loved watching the scenery of Sydney below him, it makes him feel like he's on top of the world! Excluding the flying vehicles that are flying higher than them, of course. "Are we there yet?" Alex asked, turning towards his dad. Talon replied, "Not for a few more minutes, kiddo." He steered more to the right, seeming to approach a skyscraper up ahead. Alex's aunt, uncle and cousins live in a condo in a skyscraper, while he and his parents live in a house a bit far out of the city. In one of those neighborhoods that's part of the city but still open to nature, y'know? He doesn't understand why they can't just live in a house, but whatever. It's none of his business.

As they were zooming past the skyscrapers, Alex saw a lot of virtual advertisements showing either JCJenson or the U.Z.T. Foundation. He doesn't really like JCJenson, but he does like one of the employees there. Tessa Elliott. Who was the only one who survived this "Gala Massacre" caused by Cyn several years back. He doesn't know what massacre means yet, but he suspects it must've been a really bad event. Luckily the U.Z.T. stepped in and stopped Cyn from killing any more people. But she managed to flee in the damaged condition she was in, they're still searching for her and any trace of the Absolute Solver. Alex finds the program scary and evil. He hoped it'll be stopped eventually.

They soon arrived, parking their vehicle on the platform, next to Uncle Fang's vehicle. The door opened upwards, Fang hopping out and went to greet his brother, while Rune went to help Alex out of his car seat and place him on the ground. He quickly hid behind his mom, which made her chuckle and ruffle his hair. He peered out from behind her, seeing his uncle hugging his dad. They talked and laughed, eventually Fang going up to greet Rune and Alex. He gave her a big bear hug, saying things like, "Good to see you", "How are you", yada yada. Until he looked down and saw Alex. He smiled and kneeled down in front of the kid, gently ruffling his hair. "Hey, sport." He greeted, making Alex slowly raise his head from hiding behind his mom's leg.

Fang looked a lot like his brother, some people even mistaken them for being twins. Rich cherry brown skin, the same skin tone Alex and his dad has, dark brown hair with a red streak in the front, and pale gold eyes. As pale gold as the sun's rays. He's probably the only extended family member that doesn't ignore Alex or look at him like dirt. He actually treats him way differently than his aunt or cousins do. He's kind, gentle, caring, respectful and overall a funny uncle to be around. He always made Alex laugh whenever he had a hard day, either at preschool or when his cousins bullied him. But he is a hopeless romantic, ignoring the toxicity of his wife, Lei Choi. Alex can sometimes see the disgust in her crimson red eyes whenever he's around her, like right now.

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