- Introduction -

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⚠ Disclaimer ⚠
This story contains violence, mild language, horror and heavy topics. Viewer discretion advised.

Alright, before we start this, I want to address some things first. I don't want you to be shoved into this right away without me addressing some ground rules before you go ahead and read this.

Like I already mentioned in the description, this is my first story that the public actually gets to see. And since I'm used to writing my stories in private, expect some errors in the wording or grammer. But whenever I proof read the chapters or re-read them, I'll fix the issues and mistakes. Sometimes I'll rewrite the chapters or rewrite big chunks of some chapters that I'm not satisfied with. So whenever you notice some changes in the story, that's the reason. Also you might see replaced images/GIFS or addition of new images/GIFS.

This story will take a LONG while to make before it gets finished. Expect week long breaks or a few days of not adding another chapter. I do have a life outside of here like the other authors on Wattpad. Mainly the reasons will be school, family, rewatching the show to make sure I didn't miss any details, waiting for the next episodes to come out, getting sick, lack of motivation or ideas, my ADHD putting it off, etc. But I'll get to work on the chapters whenever I can.

Keep in mind that this is FANMADE. This story does align with the episodes, but doesn't follow along with the EXACT show's lore or the episodes' plots. I even include some of my own headcanons in this. So keep in mind that this story does sort of follow along with the story of Murder Drones, but not entirely. Like many other Murder Drones fanfics on this website. The timeline also isn't entirely accurate to the actual show's timeline, but it's still part of it.

If you have any questions about this story, let me know in the comments! But don't ask questions that would spoil the story if I answer them. Ask simple questions, like what's the protagonist's age or where he came from. I'll answer simple and not too lore deep questions. You'll have to wait and see in the later chapters. It's better to not have the story spoiled to you when I answer lore deep questions. I don't wanna ruin the fun. I'll maybe do a Q&A after I finish the story..? But I'm sure you'll have most of the answers by the time this story is done.

One last thing, if you have any constructive criticism, then feel free! I'll try my best to fix some issues the story may have or some wording errors. But if you actually have hateful things to say about the story, keep it to yourself. Why waste time and energy on hating something that you don't find any enjoyment in when you can just read a different story? If this isn't your favorite story, then fine by me. You do you. But if you have nothing nice to say, don't say it at all. That applies to other stories on this website as well. And other projects outside of Wattpad. Be polite, supportive, courteous and respectful to everyone here. Including authors.

Okay, we good? We good. Now enjoy this story about a lost little boy who befriends some robots on a desolate snowy exoplanet that takes place in the world of Murder Drones.

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