⚠ Announcement ⚠

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Hello everyone.

This is gonna be a bit of a downer, but there is light at the end of the tunnel of this part. Kinda depends on how you view this.

I am discontinuing Lost N' Found. The reason for this is that I don't feel very motivated to continue on this story. It's because I don't really find much enjoyment in it, probably because in my eyes it makes no sense?

But believe me when I say this, this was EXTREMELY fun to make. It was my first shot at making a story on Wattpad, and it turned out better than I expected. I will keep this book up, just not continuing on it. I'll publish chapter 11 in the state it's already in, so you can have a glimpse of what it was meant to be.

Thank you all so so much for the support, it means the world to me! I never expected this story would get SO MANY views and votes. I even laughed at a few comments some of you left off. And I loved the ideas a few of you proposed to me. I hope you all understand, but I'm really sorry for anyone who was looking forward to the rest of this story.

However, it's not over yet.

I am gonna rewrite this into a different story. It will take some time, like I already said in the introduction. I'm still gonna keep Alex, his family, the U.Z.T., etc. But most aspects will change. I am even more excited for the rewritten story than continuing this one, since it was the original story I planned before I even wrote this. And I genuinely liked that storyline, and I'm sure most of you will
like it too!

Again, thank you all so so much for the support and reading my story. I cannot express this enough! But I'm excited to show you guys the rewritten version, since I have a feeling it's gonna be quite the wild but fun ride.

And with that, I'm gonna click off for now. I'll see you all on the flip side.


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