| Chapter 4: Prom Gone Wrong |

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It has been 4 days since Alex met N.

Throughout the rest of the week, they talked, hung out, and even flew through the air together. Alex even helped N out about his situation with Uzi at the moment. He hates to see his new friend be upset, just like how N hated Alex to be upset. This new friendship with a human kid helped N be distracted from what happened that night. He was still freaked out by Eldritch J and still felt disconnected with Uzi, though.

Anyways, it was now Friday night. Alex started sleeping more during the day than night, since from what N told him about Disassembly Drones, it's that they overheat when exposed to the sun. So he started sleeping more during the daytime. Alex always found that interesting, they were like vampires.

Alex has just finished purifying his water and poured it into his water bottle. He opened the cap and drank some of it. Once he was all done, he closed the cap and put it back on his belt. He went back up the ladder, bringing his gun and e-map. He was going to go hang out with N again. Alex reached the top of his ladder and heaved himself out, closing the trapdoor afterwards. He went back to the city, taking out his e-map just to make sure he's going the right way. It's been four nights, so he's starting to get the idea where to go and how to get back to his bunker. But he still brought the map, just in case.

As he was walking, something got his eye from up above. He noticed a figure flying out of the spire and then flying off in the other direction. Was that N? Or was that V? It must be N, it can't possibly be V. V should be chained up in N's landing pod, or so he thought. He still went to the corpse spire anyway and looked around the space. "Huh. Was that Disassembly Drone N? I don't see him anywhere... Oh well. I'll ask V." He said as he shrugged and turned off the e-map. He put the small rod on his belt and started heading towards the spaceship.

He climbed onto it and jumped through the little hole in the top of it, sliding down the ladder. "Hey V. Do you know where N went? I saw him fly out and-" But once he turned around, V was not chained up in the pilot chair. As a matter of fact, she was gone. Nowhere to be seen in the landing pod. He saw N sitting down on the floor, with an error beeping over and over again on his visor. There were two frozen skeletons on the floor too, one of them had a dapper suit on.

"N!" Alex gasped in shock and he immediately ran up to him. "Oh no, oh no, oh no!" He panicked as he glanced at the pilot chair and glanced back at N. He started shaking him to wake him up. "N! Wake up! V's out of her chains! I saw her outside! Oh come on, buddy! Please wake-" N suddenly gasped and held his head, still gasping from suddenly waking up.

 "N! Wake up! V's out of her chains! I saw her outside! Oh come on, buddy! Please wake-" N suddenly gasped and held his head, still gasping from suddenly waking up

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"Huh...? Alex?" N slowly said as he caught his breath and looked up at him. "N! Thank goodness, you're alright! V's out of her chains and I think I just saw her flying outside." Alex explained as N started to look more and more panicked. "Oh no! Oh-no-oh-no! Alex we gotta go! C'mon." N immediately picked up Alex before he could even say anything. Alex squeaked at the sudden hold. N placed him on the ladder, Alex quickly climbing up. He slid off the pod.

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