| Chapter 1: Lonely Suspense |

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4 years later...

Alex woke up in a cold sweat. He must've been having another nightmare. Well, not exactly a nightmare, more like a flashback. He looked around his room in the underground bunker he and his parents found when they first got here a few years ago. He looked around the space, seeing how empty and lonely he is...

Until he jumped at a horrifying, startling, blaring noise... his alarm clock. He groaned in anger and turned it off. He scooted off the bed and put his hands on his hips. Taking a deep breath, he sighed and said; "Welp. Time to start the day I guess." He glanced over at a small photo of him and his parents that was taken before they crash landed here. "See you in the kitchen, mom and dad..." He muttered in sadness.

He put on his clothes, which were his favorite; blue Earth themed shirt with navy blue pants. He pulled his long sleeves down while walking towards his door. He pressed the button, the airlock door sliding up immediately, causing him to flinch a little. He will probably never get used to these doors sliding up so fast.

He went to the kitchen, grabbing all the food he needed to make breakfast, or brekky. He always loves to make rehydrated eggs and bacon. As he was flipping the eggs and bacon with caution, sometimes almost making the eggs splat on his face or burn himself with the bacon, he was thinking about his parents' mission before they died when he was six. He knew they had to get something in the Cabin Fever labs that was extremely important, but they never told him what it was or why. They kept it classified from him. But why him? He's their son. Surely they could've told him anything, right?

He was still lost in thought while placing the eggs and bacon on the plate. He grabbed a fork and napkin and sat on the couch, starting to eat. His parents almost never let him eat on the couch, since it was their own thing and they didn't want him to cause a mess on it. But for the past 2 years without his parents, he ate on the couch and never caused a mess. He guessed that his parents weren't always correct.

As he was eating, he was trying to find a reason behind their mission. Does it have to involve humanity's biggest threat, the Absolute Solver? Was there something contained there that was so dangerous they had to kill it off? Why did they have to go to the underground labs? What did JCJenson want from them exactly? Why did JCJenson send his parents specifically for the mission? So many questions he has yet to find out.

He eventually finished, licking the yolk off his lips. He took his plate and put it in the dishwasher. He looked around the room, landing his eyes on the water supply. It seemed disturbingly low. He sighed in frustration. He was gonna have to go outside in the cold climate again. He took a deep breath. "The dishes can wait." He told himself as he walked back over to his room. He walked towards his closet and pressed the button, his protection suit appearing into view. It was black, with protective metal plates and small shoulder blades. It had glowing blue neon lines in the crevices of it, much like a cyberpunk like spacesuit. It was just his size, willing to protect him from the harsh cold climate of Copper9. It also has the U.Z.T. icon in the center of it, glowing neon blue. And on the left shoulder of the suit, it had a metal implant that shows the Australian flag.

He took it out of the closet and put it on. He grabbed his cyberpunk-like gas mask and fastened it on his face. His parents made these for him when they realized they didn't have a spare one for him. He adjusted the filters on his mask and grabbed his water purifier. He turned off all the lights and placed the purifier on his back, the machine quickly attaching to his suit's back magnet. He climbed up the ladder to the trapdoor. It took a little while, until he eventually grabbed hold of the latch and opened it up.

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