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Roland's POV

Kit hummed along to the words coming out of the small radio that had been propped up on the side of the table we had claimed.

The second my car had been sold I got May to order the small radio and since the second it got delivered to the cabin it had hardly been turned off. For the first several days I had refused to change the channel from the classic rock station that my dad used to constantly listen to but after listening to Kit butcher every song I decided to let him pick a station.

I didn't love his music but seeing the ways his eyes lit up every time one of his old favorite would come on was enough to make me tolerate the trashy music.

"So what are you in the mood for today," Kit asked as he looked around the art room. I still didn't love the art room. It smelled weird, it was always way too hot in there, and there was always a lot of light. But Kit liked it and thought it was good for me to do things outside of cars so I let him drag me there in any time I'm in-between cars.

"You know I don't care," I mumbled as I looked around the room. We weren't alone today. Several people litterer around us, grabbing new paints, playing with clay, making messes with charcoal, and being far too loud. Several people spared a glance or two at me and Kit but hadn't said anything yet. A few went as far as to glare but Kit glared at them with much more hate then they had been giving and they promptly stopped.

"Okay well we have bird houses, what if we did a welcome mat? Make it seem more like home and more friendly."

"I don't want to make it friendly," I said with a frown. "These people are mean."

"Not all of them," Kit said with a small smile as he bumped my shoulder. "I'm nice, Andrew is nice, Mary is getting there."

"Three people hardly count."

"No but it is a start. Not all of them can be mean, we just have to find a few people who aren't."

"I don't want to do that," I said with a frown as I followed to Kit to a rack that held a bunch of mats before grabbing one and some paints.

"How else are you going to make friends after I leave," he asked in a teasing tone but he was frowning.

"I didn't plan on making friends after you," I said honestly as I picked up a brush and began painting tree at the back ground of the mat.

"Who are you going to talk to then," he asked as he started painting a pond in the center of the mat.

"Andrew. Mary. That's probably it. I don't like people much. I didn't talk to anyone before you came to camp. Not even Andrew."

"You can't just seclude yourself. You need to be able to talk to people. It's good to have friends."

"What for? All friends do is talk about stupid things you don't care about and complain about their life to you but when you try to talk about your problems they say they're too busy. I'd rather be alone." Kit frowned at that.

"Real friends don't act like that," he said. "They'll complain sure and they'll want you to listen but they will also be there for when you need to complain to them. It's give and take and if they aren't willing to give then then they aren't real friends. We just need to find you a good one before I leave."

"I don't want you to leave." Kit paused as I gave a few finishing touches to the trees I had been working on.

"You know I have to leave right," he said after a while of us just working in silence. Kit was looking at me from the corner of his eyes like he was worried about what my reaction would be.

"Yea I know. I just don't want you to."

"Are you nervous about it," he asked as he began working again, making a really poor looking bird in one of my trees.

"Not really," I said with a shrug. "Things will just go back to the way they were before. Besides I'll have my cars now so I won't just stay in the cabin all the time. I'll just miss you." He smiled before his free hand clasped over mine over my thigh.

"I'm going to miss you too," he said as he placed a kiss on my cheek. "Maybe Mary will let me come visit since I'm not a stranger and my boyfriend misses me. And we'll send letters and maybe I can talk her into letting me call you on the office phone so we can talk even if I can't come visit. We're going to make it work."

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