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Roland's POV

"You have everything you need, right," I asked for what felt like the 14th time already today. Kit nodded as he stood in front of Andrew's car, all of his things loaded in the back.

He was the last kid to leave for the day. The official shedeual called for all kids to be packed and on their way out by noon yet Kit and I stood together at 6. We had stretched it out until Mary finally had to put her foot down and announce that we couldn't just spend the day together hiding in the cabin.

"It's going to be okay," he said as he pulled me into his chest. I wrapped my arms around him and sighed.

"I know."

"And I'm going to call and write and we're going to see each other in a few months."

"I know."

"I love you," he said as he placed a gentle kiss on my forehead. "I love you so much."

"I know. I love you too."

"I didn't think getting in a car would be this hard," he whispered into my hair.

"You can do it," I said as I pulled back. My throat felt tight and my eyes burned with tears that I was trying to hold in. I knew the second I started crying Kit would too and I never wanted to be the reason he cried. "It's going to be okay. I'm going to be okay. Besides, your friends are waiting for you at the apartment. You need to go let them in before the cops show up and try to bring them here." He lets out a weak chuckle before before pulling his arms away from me. I wanted nothing more than to grab them and force him to never let me go.

"Please just, remember to eat and study and take breaks. I know you'll have Mary and Andrew but promise me you'll try to remember without them. You've done it with me so please just try with them."

"I promise."

"And call me if anything happens. Even if it's not a call day, steal the office phone and call me."

"I will. But you have to promise to pick up. I'm not kidding Kit. I can't do this again. I can't be left behind again. I know you love me but if you think that this is going to be too hard for you then let's just break up now and save us the time-,"

He doesn't let me finish before his lips cover mine. I sighed at the feeling. His lips were soft as always and the hand in my hair was gentle but his tongue. God, his tongue was rough as it moved around my mouth and his teeth bit my lip just to keep me from saying the words he didn't want to hear. I played the bit of exposed skin on his stomach, revealed by the crop top I had gotten him for his birthday. I had begged him not to wear it in front of his friends but he said he needed to let everyone know he was taken.

"I promise," he said when we forced ourselves apart. His forehead rested on mine as he looked down at me. His eyes were so full of light but I could see the tears he was trying to hold back the same way I'm sure he could see mine. "I promise I will pick up every phone call and I will write back every letter you send me. We are going to make this work I swear to you." I nod and force myself away from him.

Andrew was in the driver's seat of his car, trying to give us privacy but I could still see him sneaking glances at us through the rearview mirror. He gave me a sad smile when he saw I was staring at him. I couldn't blame him, Mary was doing the same thing a few feet away from the porch of the office.

"You need to go. You'll have a lot to unpack and catch up with your friends. Tomorrow is going to be busy for you too so you need to get a lot of rest." He nodded before taking a step back.

"I love you, Roland. Please don't forget that."

"I love you too, Kit." I blinked away the tears as he got into the back seat. He rolled down the window the second the car turned on and stuck his head out of it.

"I love you," he said again, the car slowly starting to move down the driveway.

"I love you too."

"I love you."

"Okay, now you're just being extra."

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