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Kit's POV

"Should I be nervous," I asked as Roland walked behind me, his hands covered my eyes as he led me to only god knows where.

He had been so excited all day and I didn't know why. His hands would flap at his sides as he kept looking at the clock mounted to the wall but every time I asked him what was going on he only shook his head and said it was a surprise.

Roland wasn't a fan of surprises but I was so I let it be until he grabbed me by the arm and began dragging me to the door. The second the door was closed behind him he covered my eyes and we began walking.

It was an awkward angle, Roland was still a few inches shorter than me so I had to lean my head back a bit to let him properly cover my eyes but I don't think he noticed as he all but sped walked us to where we were going.

"No," he said as he kept walking. "You're going to like this."

"And how can you be so sure," I teased with a smirk that he couldn't see.

"Because I was directly involved with it and you said you would like anything I did." I couldn't help but laugh a bit before he came to a stop. "Step up," he said so I did. He paused, his hands twitching on my eyes "And if you don't like it then it's Mary's fault."

He opened a door and pushed me inside before letting his hands fall.

Balloons scattered the office. There was a banner on the back wall that said 'Happy birthday Kit!' There was a cake in the center of a folding table that had 18 unlit candles placed delicately on it. Andrew and Mary stood behind the table with wide smiles on their faces, Mary popping a confetti popper the second I took everything in.

"Happy birthday," she squealed with a small clap of her hands.

"You're old now," Roland teased as he took my hand and led us to the table.

"Roland picked out the cake," Andrew teased as I took in what it said.

It was a red velvet cake and I can't remember what I would have told him that it was my favorite yet he still remembered somehow. The top of the icing was decorated with what looked to be our cabin. The words said "Happy Birthday Old Man" which I guess was my new nickname now. I laughed as I pulled him closer to my side.

"When did you have time to plan all of this?"

"I planned it in my head for a while but I didn't go to my session last night. Well, I went but it wasn't a real session, I made Andrew get Mary and we planned this instead."

"How did you even know it was my birthday? I never told you that."

"I might have snooped through your file," Mary said as pushed the cake closer to me. "Off the record of course. Roland wanted to do something nice for you before you left."

I looked down at him, he was already smiling up at me and I couldn't stop myself before I leaned down and placed a kiss on his forehead. His smile was blinding.

"Thank you. This is perfect."

"I told you that you would like it," he teased as he pulled me over to a chair behind the cake.

Mary lit the candles and refused to let me blow them out until she got several pictures. I took in a deep breath but Roland covered my mouth before I was able to blow out a single candle.

"We have to sing first," he demanded, looking at me like I was crazy.

"Then sing to me. I want cake," I mumbled against his hand.

The song was short but I loved it. Mary and Andrew joined in and it was perfect. Once the song was over Roland removed his hand and clapped when all of the candles went out on the first time.

He cut the cake with the same precision and care he did with everything that he did before handing me the first piece, saying the birthday boy always gets the first one.

"Not going to lie," I said in between bites, "this is probably the best birthday I've had in a long time."

"Well it's not over yet," Roland said as he glanced back to Mary's office. She went without further prompting and came back with several wrapped boxes in her hands.

"You got me presents," I asked as I looked up at my boyfriend in a mix of awe and disappointment. "You shouldn't have wasted your money on me. You have to save up so you can fund your cars."

"Most of them were from Mary and Andrew. They said the same thing," he said with a small pout. "But you have to open mine first." He plucked one out of Mary's arms as she tried to set the rest of the on the ground and got her camera ready for more pictures.

The wrapping was of candy canes and snowmen and Roland only shrugged when I looked up at him in question.

"We didn't have any birthday paper," he said before putting it in my lap.

There was no crease in the paper, no wrinkle out of place, it was perfect. Even at just a glance, I could tell this was the only one he had done.

I ripped the paper carefully and the black material of a shirt lay underneath it. I laughed the second I noticed the red letters in the center of the chest.

" 'My boyfriend bought me this shirt'," I read as I held up the crop top. Roland was blushing as he tried to cover his face.

"It wasn't supposed to be that short," he sighed. "The listing didn't have dimensions. I should have known better." I didn't let him keep worrying as I pulled my shirt over my head and pulled the new one. It stopped just above my belly button and hugged my shoulders. It was probably meant for women but I loved it more than anything because Roland bought it for me.

"Do I look good?" Roland only blushed harder as he nodded. There was a flash of a camera and Roland glared at Mary. "Is there a reason I am wearing a shirt that makes sure everyone knows I have a boyfriend," I teased as I pulled him into my lap.

"There are whores out there," he said with a glare that didn't match the blush on his face. "They need to know that you are taken so they keep their hands off of you." I laughed at him again and placed another kiss on his forehead.

"I think they're going to stare at me more now that I have some skin showing."

"They can stare all they want as long as they don't try to steal you from me."

"That could never happen." He smiled as he got off of my lap and gestured to the other gifts in front of us.

Thankfully it wasn't much. Well, most of it wasn't much.

There were a few band hoodies that Mary said she caught me staring at during Town Day. Andrew claimed the new set of earrings and a new pair of vans.

The last box was bigger and I could tell from the shape what it was before I even opened it.

"I can't accept that," I told them as I pointed at it. "Send it back. It's too much. This," I said as I gestured to the room around us, "Is already too much. Get your money back."

"You don't even know what it is yet," Mary said with a frown.

"It's a skateboard."

"Okay so maybe you do know but the shop said no returns on custom designs so we can't give it. It was supposed to be a graduation present but when Roland told us he wanted to throw you a birthday party we decided to go ahead and give it to you."

"And of course, you made it custom," I said with a small sigh as Roland dragged it over to me. "Do I even want to know how much it cost?"

"Nope," Mary said with a smile as she got her camera ready again. "Now open it." I sighed but did what she asked.

The board itself was nice. The wheels moved smoothly, the grip on top was new and begging to be scuffed up and ruined but the design on the bottom took my breath away.

Staring back at me, in black and white, was the picture that girl had drawn for Roland and me a few weeks back in the art room. It took my breath away and I loved it. I smiled to myself as I ran a finger under the board.

"This is perfect," I said as I looked back up at her. "Thank you. It's still too much but thank you."

"It's worth it to see that look on your face," Mary said. "It was Andrew's idea, I just made it happen."

We stayed there for a long time, just talking and eating cake until it was gone. Roland sat in my lap, Mary took pictures, and Andrew teased and smiled and laughed. My heart was beating out of my chest and I never wanted it to stop.

When the day was over and other things needed to get done I stopped Mary by the door.

"Roland is in some of those pictures right?"

"He is," she said with a knowing smile. "I'll make copies she said. It's one of the reasons I agreed to today. Hopefully having pictures of each other will make everything a tad bit easier."

"Thank you," I said again and she only shook her head.

"Thank you for reminding me why I started this. This past year with you and Roland has been wonderful. Now get out of here. Go enjoy the rest of your birthday with your boyfriend."

I smiled and followed behind him like a little lost puppy.

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