Chapter 2: Haven't I Seen This Before?

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Toby's performance at work has had a slight positive change which is what keeps him on the brim of still having a job.

Toby woke up abruptly, Shit, what time is it?!

He looked at the clock, 6:27. Holy shit!

He quickly gets dressed and does his normal routine. He decides he has no time for breakfast and rushes out the door.

He basically flies down the stairs, almost falling. Once he makes it to the door he crosses the street without even looking, he sprints to work.

He stops at the entrance to the shop to catch his breath, before he opens the door he stops for a minute when he notices who stands behind the counter. Pac & Fit, he's seen them tons of times over the past few weeks. Why is it different this time? Toby isn't focused on them, his attention is on how they look at each other.

They were laughing & chatting, but all their attention was focused on one another. Fit was listening to Pac's laugh like it was the sweetest melody ever recorded, and Pac's face was stained with a hint of pink. 

Toby's mind rushed back to the day they meet, Pac's reaction to Fit's smile. Of course! How the hell did I not catch that! Toby thought. He felt stupid for not seeing that Pac clearly was in love with Fit, but less stupid for not seeing it in Fit. You really had to pay attention to his body language, how his mood & voice switches with Pac.

Everything started fitting together like a jigsaw puzzle, but is there room in this picture for me?

Unwanted thoughts started pouring in Toby's mind, what if they forget about me? What if suddenly Morning Crew becomes Morning Duo?

Morning Crew was the name they decided to call themselves, since they all arrived to work early. Well earlier than most workers.

Toby was unsure how to feel, as he knew how he should feel and how he actually feels. I want to be happy for them, but why am I not?

I don't want to be selfish, but I also don't want to be alone. Toby's mind was offering many ideas, but Toby declined each one.

He walked through the door, not bothering to even look at his friends. Toby just threw his apron on and spoke not a word, the voices trying to reach him that were once were familiar seemed new. Toby didn't know who these people would become, will they be the same? 

Who am I kidding, this is a story as old as time. 

He looked up at the people, he didn't even know anymore. Their lips moving, their faces making sympathetic and concerned looks. Their voices becoming a buzz inside Toby's head, saying things he dreaded, things that weren't true. They couldn't be true.

The buzzing getting louder each second that passed, rage bubbling inside Toby.

When Fit placed his hand on Toby's shoulder, Toby immediately pushed it off.

"What's bothering you?" Fit said tired of being patient, the buzzing became screams. "I'm perfectly fine" he said with venom laced in each word.

Toby pushed through both of them as he willingly went up to a customer, he didn't even bother faking the enthusiastic voice. He had enough stuff to pretend, he couldn't be bothered to do it another time.

The rest of his shift, Toby stayed with the customers. Much to his displeasure of course, on the other hand Pac & Fit stayed behind the counter the whole time. Continuing to look at Toby with the same caring looks they always had pasted on their faces.

Meanwhile Toby was more dead than ever, His voice was monotone almost robotic. His face, emotionless, his eyes empty. There was no sense of the bubbly man that occupied that body, now he was basically a walking corpse. Just waiting on death.

But inside Toby's mind was a warzone, he didn't know what to think. In fact, he didn't want to think, was why he tried to do everything to keep his physical self-distracted.

But it was pointless really, he could keep himself distracted for hours on edge. But his mind wouldn't stop, it never would.

Toby was arguing with his mind for what seemed like forever, I don't want to be alone, but I dent want to crush the happiness of my best friends.

This wasn't the first time Toby was forced to make this decision. His choices were let things happen, or prevent it.

His mind kept bringing up the past, his past choices. And asking him, how did it end for you?

Toby thought about it, it ended with me being alone. As much as it hurt him, he knew what he was going to do was going to hurt them more.

I need to pull them apart, not to the point where they're not friends anymore. Just to where they don't have feelings for each other anymore.

Toby felt terrible doing this, but he compared the feeling to what he felt last time. It motivated him to go through with the plan, "I'm sorry" he said under his breath.

It was 12:47 and Pac & Fit were already getting ready to leave, Toby knew he was going to have to talk to them. Communication was a crucial part in his plan, "Toby I don't what's bothering you, but were worried."

Toby looked up at Fit and sighed. "I'm just grouchy, sorry about earlier." he said trying his best to hide the insincerity that was tied in his voice.

 "That's alright." Pac said with a warm smile on his face, "we all have one of those days, you know?" Fit said. Toby looked at them a face full of regret, it stabbed him in the heart.

He looked at these people, they were good people. And didnt deserve what was coming, but Toby couldnt, and wouldnt back down.

He smiled, " Thanks, anyway so you guys have plans this afternoon?" he asked. " I dont think so." Pac said as he looked at Fit waiting for him to disagree, but he didnt all he did was nod. " What do you have in mind?" Fit asked cathing on to what Toby was saying.

" How does lunch sound?" Fit and Pac nodded at eachother. Toby opened the door for them, as they exited the shop, Toby thought for a moment.

And looked back at the store, knowing that this meal was going to change the course of things. And things would never go back to how things were this day, in this shift. He couldn't help but feel guilty, it was killing him slowly. I'm so so sorry.

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