Chapter 14: Another Chance

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Toby gently picked up what had fallen on his hand, A rose petal?

Toby put it aside, wondering where it came from. Soon another petal fell, and another one, until it was lightly showering rose petals.

Finally, Toby snaped his head upward, to see Fred picking petals from a rose bouquet, and dropping them.

Fred smiled at Toby and jumped down from upwards inside the tree. "It's wonderful to see you again!" he exclaimed.

Toby smiled, "The flowers?" he asked. Fred just shrugged, and Toby couldn't help but laugh.

"Why'd you choose this spot?" Toby blurted out, "It's quiet, and beautiful," Fred replied.

Toby nodded and admired his surroundings, "It's probably one of the most beautiful thing's i've ever seen..." Fred said drifting off at the last bit of his sentence.

Toby assumed he was talking about the large field they were in currently, but out of the corner of his eyes he could see Fred's chocolate brown eyes laser focused on Toby.

Is he talking about me?! Toby's face flushed pink, he tried to hide the redness of his face but failed.

Thankfully there was something that took the attention away from Toby, from everything, the sun set.

The blue sky, melted into a gradient of oranges and yellows. As the setting sun, glistened on everything as it went down for the day. A orange light shinned over Fred & Toby, as more colors melted away the blue sky. Toby turned his attention to Fred, who soon also did the same. He watched as Fred, pulled a slim rose out of his bouquet, a bright red one with all of its petals.

Toby stared at it, beautiful, he thought.

He watched as Fred stabbed a bobby pin though the stem, his eyes fixated on what e was going to do. Toby's eyes followed Fred's hands as he gently placed the rose in Toby's hair.

Fred moved his hand closer to Toby's until their hands were interlocked. Both men were staring intensely in each other's eyes, it was as if they looked away for one second, they would die.

Every breath Toby took, he felt like he had been staring into Fred's eyes for hours. And truth be told, he could have stared into those chocolate brown eyes it'll the end of time.

Both inched their faces closer to each other, drowning in one another's eyes.

How could such simple colored eyes be so extraordinary? Toby wondered; soon their faces were only centimeters apart.

Toby could feel every breath Fred took, unlike his own Fred's breath was slow and steady. Fred held Toby's chin gently, not for one moment breaking eye contact.

Is this real? Toby thought in total denial that this was actually happening.

They both moved their faces even closer to each other, in this moment nothing existed to either of them. This was all there was to see, this was their world. Fred slowly pressed his lips against Toby's, while Toby sat there dumbfounded.

Toby felt a heat rising in his face, but that was last thing on his mind. His mind was spinning, he had dreamed about this very moment for so long. And here it was coming true, Toby dared not react, not move. 

All out of fear that he might wake up, however as the saying goes, this was indeed a dream come true.

Everything was real; Toby started back Fred, wide eyed. Fred seemed to notice the obvious blushing on Toby's face and laughed.

"Your so cute," he chuckled, staring at Toby with the largest grin ever known to man.

This is real, all of this is actually happening! Oh my god!

Toby went from total disbelief to full on ecstatic, he noticed Fred was holding his hand. And Toby almost screamed, he was over the moon.

Toby couldn't contain his emotion any longer, he quickly pushed his lips against Fred's just to make sure he could do it again. Fred stared back at him in shock, as Toby pulled away, he brushed a strand of hair out of his face.

Once his vision was cleared again, he could admire this moment.

Admire the man in front of him, for so long I never understood love.

I always thought of it as something temporary, and that might be true. But it feels like it lasts an eternity, and that makes it all worth it.

Toby smiled at Fred and leaned against his shoulder. Both men watching the sun set, nothing they had ever experienced could compare to what they felt in this moment.

"Will we remember this?" Fred asked, "Of course, it's a moment worth remembering," Toby said as if it was obvious.

Fred laughed and stoked his hands through Toby's hair, careful not to accidentally pull it. It didn't matter anyway, Toby didn't care. He felt safe in Fred's arms and wanted to stay in them forever.

Toby relaxed his body and let himself take a breath. He couldn't help but smile, he was going to suck this moment for all it was worth.

It was a good thing it was worth thousands; I want this day to never end.

Authors note:  This is very short ;-;

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