Chapter 10: The Question

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As Toby washed his hands, he felt slightly better.

If only I could wash away this whole situation, well at least it's over now.

Once Toby finished washing his hands, Fred sighed, "Toby can I ask you something?"

He looked undeniably nervous, and his eyes darted around. Fred planned that this would be easier to ask, but it turned out to be more difficult than anticipated.

"Always!" Toby said enthusiastically, hoping to build up inside him.

Toby's heart was racing, he tried to remind himself that hope can be crushed easily. But the thought was almost completely ignored, as all Toby could do was pray.

Everything, all his efforts had led up to this moment. Of course, Toby wasn't even sure that the question would be what he hoped, but he forbade doubt from entering his mind.

"Erm-uh" Fred stuttered; he couldn't manage to get the words out of his mouth.

Toby waited patiently; he would've waited as long as Fred needed.

"Um-would you, maybe, want to get coffee with me tomorrow morning?" Fred asked, afraid of Toby's response.

He desperately searched Toby's face for a response, but there was nothing. Only a blank stare, the truth was Toby was in total disbelief.

This isn't real, this didn't really happen, did it?

Toby wanted so badly to believe that this was reality, but he found it so hard to.

Would you rather live in a world where this didn't happen? Where your dream didn't come true? It's your decision to believe if this is real or not, so make your choice.

Suddenly a large grin spread across Toby's face, making his face hurt. His heart racing faster than ever before, Toby was filled with joy.

Fred had covered his face, he felt so embarrassed.

" Your free to decline of course!" he exclaimed, seeing as the Toby hadn't spoken a word.

Decline this? Hell no!

"Fred I would be more than happy to get coffee with you!" He exclaimed happily, the sunshine in his voice being so visibly heard. This time it wasn't fake; it was pure happiness.

Fred's face lit up, and a small smile spread on his face.

"Great! When does your shift start?" he asked, clearly thrilled.

"6am" Toby told Fred, he didn't seem to have any issue with it.

"Alright! I'll see you at 6 tomorrow!" Fred said as he skipped out of the store.

Toby waved goodbye; he didn't say a verbal goodbye. If he opened his mouth, he was sure to scream out in joy.

The moment Fred was out of sight, Pac & Fit rushed over to Toby's side. 

"You've got a date!" Pac exclaimed, Fit and Pac were ecstatic.

They were like embarrassing parents, and Toby was not having it.

"It's not a date, just a hangout" Toby responded, trying to play it off cool.

Pac & Fit exchanged looks, they were clearly not buying it.

"But you want it to be date, right?" Pac asked, mockery laced in his voice.

Toby rolled his eyes, "Shut the hell up" he mumbled.

"What? Were just congratulating you!" Fit said, and Pac quickly added, "It's not every day our best friend gets the date of his dreams!"

"It's not a date!" Toby exclaimed, Pac & Fit went back to work giving Toby stares that said, "Yeah, of course its not."

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