Chapter 13: Location

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Toby isn't scrolling because he was bored, he just had nothing better to do. That was until a message popped up on his screen, he stared at it for a couple of seconds before jumping out of bed.

His heart was racing as he tied his shoes, it was until he reached the door of his apartment when he realized something.

I have to call Fit & Pac! Toby called the group chat and waited impatiently, the ringing sound echoing in the stairway.

He took a breath of relief when both men finally picked up, "Need something Toby?" Fit asked.

"Yeah, I need you to drive me somewhere," Toby explained quickly, "Why don't you just take a bus?" Pac asked.

"There's no bus stop where I need to go, so will you guys drive me there?" Toby asked again, turning even more impatient. He wanted to leave, now.

"Uh-Sure? We'll pick you up at 5. I have to stop by to pick up Pac," Fit explained, Pac's car was in the shop so Fit had to drive him around.

Toby groaned, "Okay I'll wait," "Where are-" Pac began to ask but Toby hung up.

He shut the door and went into the bathroom. Toby stared at himself in the mirror for a couple of minutes, when finally deciding to pick up a hairbrush.

 Toby struggled to untangle his hair; this is why I hate long hair.

When he was finally satisfied with how his hair looked, Toby looked out his window. Which had a direct view on the busy streets of England, he paid close attention to every car that pulled in.

When are they going to be here? Toby thought, the more time that passed the more nervous he became. Toby pulled out his phone, 6:07.

Toby glanced at his phone and back at the parking lot, then he took a breath of pure relief as he watched a car he recognized pull into a parking space.

There here! Toby flung open the door and flew down the stairs.

He ran out of the building and greeted his friends, "Thanks for taking me there," Toby said, true gratitude laced in his voice.

"No problem, only it would be helpful if you told me where we were going." Fit told Toby as he buckled his seatbelt.

"A field," Toby replied, "That's not very specific," Fit commented.

Toby handed Fit his phone, which had the GPS open with a route already set.

"Okay, then" he said, as he backed out of the parking spot.

"Why are you in such a hurry?" Pac asked from the backseat, "I've got someone waiting for me there," Toby said quickly.

"Who?" Pac proceeded to ask, "Erm-I don't think that matters," Toby said sheepishly.

"Could it perhaps be Fred?" Pac asked in a teasing tone, Toby's face flushed a hint of pink in embarrassment.

"Maybe.." he mumbled; Toby looked into the front car mirror.

Toby sighed at Pac's growing grin; it was clear as day he was very proud of himself. "I've been to this field, it's beautiful." Fit stated as he paid more attention to where exactly he was driving.

"We'll decide that when I see it," Toby said, Fit shrugged, "Of course, I'm just saying Fred picked a great spot," Fit replied.

"You make me more nervous," Toby said biting his nails, "One, you shouldn't be, Fred wants the best for you. So just relax, it's easier that way."

Toby looked at Fit in gratitude, they had their fair shares of ups and downs. Yet he never failed to be there for him when Toby needed it most, and he truly was thankful.

"Thanks for the advice," Toby said, a smile creeping on his face.

Toby stared out onto the open road, watching the beauty of nature turn into unrecognizable blurs as they passed by. The sun was shining directly into Toby's eyes, so he turned away.

"The sun's going to set soon, don't worry," Pac said, noting how uncomfortable Toby was.

I'll get to see the sunset! Toby thought, he always loved seeing the sunset. Plus, it had been a while since he actually paid attention to it.

The large field came into view, a big plot of land with only a few trees. Toby's jaw was dropped, he hadn't seen so much open land. Completely untouched and tainted with.

"Holy shit..." he mumbled, completely astonished. Toby hopped out of the car, as he was too stunned to speak.

"We'll wait for you here!" Fit called out from the driver's seat, but he received no answer.

Toby heard the window roll up but didn't bother looking. Instead, he walked into the grassy fields, the blades of grass surprisingly aren't extremely long.

They were freshly cut, and the smell was heavenly. Toby took a deep breath as he walked in the beautiful fields, there was only one tree in walking distance.

I'll just wait under that tree, Toby thought as he made his way towards the single tree.

It was a tall, yet sturdy looking tree, slightly slanted but still overall a healthy tree. Toby looked at the ground under the tree, until he finally found a place where he wanted to sit down.

Toby sat with his legs crossed, his hands brushing over the cut blades of grass. He reclined into the tree, taking a minute to appreciate the beauty. The beauty in being alone, because being alone preserved these fields. These fields could have been used to build shopping centers, and apartment complexes. But here he was Toby glanced at the car parked at the edge of the field.

It looked so small from all the way over to where he was, It's so peaceful out here.

Toby fixated his glare back onto the open fields, until he felt something fall on his hand.

What is that?

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