Chapter 9: Disgusted

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Toby took a note of what they had said, however as Fit got surprisingly busy it left Pac & Toby together.

They chatted for a while until out of nowhere Pac asked, "Can I put one of the lilies in your hair?"

Toby looked a bit surprised, but he didn't really seem to care.

"Sure, why not?" he replied to which Pac excitedly picked a long slim one out of the bouquet.

He first cut it, then Toby wondered if it would even stay in. "How's it going to stay in my hair?" Toby asked, Pac stuck his hand inside the main pocket of the apron and pulled out a bobby pin.

"Stick it through the stem, and there you have it!" Pac exclaimed as he proceeded to do just that.

Toby stood still, as Pac gently placed it in his hair. Making sure to make it look as presentable as possible, it took a bit, but Toby remained unmoved.

Toby was quite used to having people doing things with his hair, he had 2 younger sisters. Nothing new to him, still it did feel a little odd.

"Done!" Pac exclaimed as he stepped back to admire his creation, Pac wore a face full of pride on his face.

Toby took out his phone, and pulled up the camera app.

He was surprised to see it didn't look terrible, it actually looks nice!

"So, what do you think?" Pac asked eagerly, he was like a kid showing his mother a drawing they had done.

"It looks great!" Toby exclaimed; a smile grew on Pac's face.

"Aw, thank you!" he said trying to be humble, but his full face of pride said otherwise.

"You do look amazing!" Pac said, but Toby just shook his head.

It doesn't look bad, but I wouldn't say it looks good either.

Pac called over Fit, desperate to make a point. Toby didn't think it was necessary, but he really couldn't stop him.

"Doesn't he look great?" Pac asked Fit, nudging him to say the answer he wanted to hear.

"You look adorable" Fit said enthusiastically, excuse me?

Pac nodded in agreement, while Toby looked visibly annoyed.

I get it, I'm short.

Toby hated being called adorable, or cute, he didn't care about his height. But that didn't mean he enjoyed being teased for it, in the past his height had made people not take him seriously.

That didn't mean Toby was willing to take it off, nothing would stop him from wearing it.

"I don't look adorable, '' Toby said, emphasizing the end.

Pac laughed Fit, jokingly, rolled his eyes. Toby smiled, there were times where he didn't mind being teased. It really depended on who was doing it, and to what level.

"Shut up" Toby said jokingly as he went to go help a customer.


All throughout his shift people continued to compliment Toby on his appearance, they felt the flower in his hair really met the theme of a flower shop. One particular guy, who always seemed to be outside the shop, but never came in decided it was time to finally walk into the store.

He walked up to Toby as he was looking at the shop planner. "I love the flower in your hair!" he said as he paused for a moment to read Toby's name tag.

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