Chapter 15: Not an Ending but a Beginning

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As Toby walked to work, he skipped through the crowded sidewalk. He couldn't have been more overjoyed, on the other hand Fit & Pac struggled to keep up with him. At this point they stopped trying, it had become such a normal occurrence. Still, they gave Toby amused smiles, seeing how happy he was.

They never seemed to get sick of that warm smile plastered on Toby's face, even though they saw it every week, on the exact same day.

Toby flung open the door to the shop, he was ecstatic. Due to the fact it was Friday, a small smile grew on his face as Toby was greeted with a small array of flowers.

He took a minute to admire them, Toby may have received flowers every week. But they never lost any type of sentimental value, it actually increased every week.

Fit & Pac laughed as they entered the shop, clearly amused with the way Toby stared so intently at the flowers.

"Be quiet..." he mumbled; it really didn't bother him. Nothing could ruin his morning, not the most annoying customer in the world.

As the shop began to fill up with customers, Toby was forced to stop his state of admiration. However he happily went over to greet a nice-looking couple, who were looking for a birthday present.

Toby didn't mind helping them, or anyone. He truly enjoyed his job; it just took him a while to realize it. Although he did wish he could have a moment to himself, even if it was just for a bit.


Toby waved goodbye to the man shopping for an anniversary gift and looked around to see if anyone else needed assistance.

Every employee seemed to already be helping the remaining customers, still however Toby walked around the entire store. Just to make sure.

Toby picked up the bouquet and walked to an empty corner in the shop. He stared out the display window, watching as everyone was stuck in their own world.

Toby then thought about the world that surrounded him, the world he created. How his life completely changed over the course of a couple months, such big differences aren't usually for the better.

He heard Pac's voice form the other side of the store, and a small smile spread on his face.

I have amazing friends, a great job, and the guy of my dreams! How often does that happen? Toby thought, at the moment he felt like the luckiest guy on earth, how could he not?

Toby looked at the flowers, then he thought about the person who gifted them to him. And his heart began racing, just of the thought of him.

Toby started to see that the flowers were daffodils, he had always thought of daffodils as the perfect gift. For any situation.

He had been waiting for a chance to read the little card that was attached to the bouquet, and he just couldn't wait a second longer.

"To The Boy with Pretty eyes" Toby read, then he stopped for a moment.

His heart skipped a beat, he thinks my eyes are pretty?

Toby's heart was beating faster, it was basically pumping out of his chest.

All my life people have told me, "They're not weird, just different," but purposely avoiding the words, beautiful & pretty. Not even my best friends couldn't tell me that my eyes weren't odd.

Toby suddenly came to a realization, all those times Fred called me beautiful. He meant it, every word that left his mouth he meant.

Every compliment I've ever received from him was real, they weren't just words that meant nothing. No, it was how Fred really felt.

I've met a person who loves a part of me that I don't even love. He loves a person I didn't even love, myself. There's been so many times I've hated myself, but Fred loved me when I didn't even love myself. So many people did; Fred loves me, he truly loves me.

Toby's face heated up, he finally understood just how much Fred loved him.

Maybe I should keep reading the rest of the card, Toby thought.

"Daffodils mean new beginnings, you know why? It Is one of the first flowers to bloom after winter. Symbolizing the end of cold and gloomy days."

Toby felt as if he were about to cry, That's so sweet!

Toby read the last bit of the card, "Love, Fred"

Toby reached into his bouquet and pulled out a small daffodil. He pulled it up to his face, twirling it around in his hands. Toby took a deep breath, not of a equation or frustration. But because he was relaxed, content. Every happy emotion there is, yet heat kept on rising to his face.

The image of Fred imprinted into Toby's mind, the same image of when he first met him. The same curious look plastered onto face; it was like Toby was reliving that exact moment.

Toby looked out onto the street one last time, as he brushed his hair out of his face, daffodil in hand.

Toby smiled, "I love you Fred..." he said, only loud enough for him to hear.

Fred is my daffodil, always able to light up even the darkest days. He pushes away my cold feelings and replaces it with warmth and joy.

He is the flower that always blooms, yet never dies. 

Author's note !!! 

This is the final chapter!!!! I hope you all loved this story as much as I enjoyed writing it!!! And thank you for all the support!! 

Much love Val

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