Chapter 4: Confession

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Toby heard the bell above the door ring then someone tell him, "You look terrible" but not in a playful tone, more a mocking one.

It was one of the other employes, Toby didn't know his name. But he did know that he was known in the workplace as a total dick. Until Today Toby never noticed him come in, he was probably too busy enjoying his time with Pac & Fit. Which was probably why he never approached him; Fit was intimidating. But really, he was a great guy when you got to know him.

But with both Fit & Pac gone, Toby was being pestered by him all his shift. Even his voice was annoying, it was giving Toby a headache.

Already in enormous amounts of pain from hunger, he couldn't be bothered to deal with him. After 30 minutes of him making Toby feel worse than before, Toby stormed to the manager's office. He busted in, Niki startled by the harsh tone of Toby's voice.

He stared talking about how much of a terrible person the other guy was and begging Niki to let him have the day off. Niki noticing how terrible Toby looked and that he looked like he was about to cry, she agreed.

As Toby left the store, he saw Niki come out of her office with a very annoyed expression, even from the outside you could hear the poison in her voice as he spoke to the guy. Toby's head spined as the sound of cars passing in front of him was all he could hear, he needed something to eat.

As quickly as he possibly could he crossed the street, making his way into the coffee shop. He put in an order but made sure to be extra polite as he saw the employes sigh as another extremely out of its person came up to the counter.

Unlike Toby the woman was extremely moody and rude to the employe, but he was too tried to pick a fight with them.

He received his coffee a couple minutes later, steaming hot. And he had gotten a sandwich and a cookie to go along with it. The moment the coffee cooled down to the point where he wouldn't burn his tongue he chugged it down.

It was so relaxing, his muscles untensed, and breath slowed down. The warmness of the coffee calmed him down by great measures, but all that was short lived.

As he saw Fit & Pac sitting at a table not too far from where he was sat. It made him tense up again, he just prayed they didn't notice him.

However, Toby noticed that they just had a pretty heated conversation as Pac's voice was small and weak. Even though he couldn't hear their voices that well he could still see, and he noticed that Fit's eyes were watery.

He heard something along the lines of, "Even if that were to happen why do you care?" to stop himself from screaming he stuffed his face with his sandwich.

Toby's eyes were fixated on both of them, Pac's mouth moving. Pac mouthing, "Because I love you."

Toby's food almost fell out of his mouth, he was stunned. And Fit's reaction wasn't much better, his eyes were wide open, and it looked like he stopped breathing for a minute.

Nobody spoke a word Pac had a look of defeat and embarrassment, suddenly a dark pink flushed over Pac's face. And Toby noticed why, Fit had grabbed Pac's hand. Smiling sweetly at Pac with blush sprinkled on his face as well.

Toby had so many emotions at once, but the most notable one was the rush of happiness. Overall, his resentment and effort to stop this exact situation from happening, he was happy it all went to waste. Well, most of him was happy, but he knew there were questions waiting for him. And he couldn't be able to just forget this without answering them.

But he turned his attention back to the lovers, as they stared into each other's eyes, just as they had before. Only this time there was more passion in their eyes, as they said so many things without speaking a single word.

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