Chapter 8: Revived

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Toby woke up, it wasn't very late, only 5pm. But he was disappointed that he woken up and had to face the world once more.

"So happy to be alive..." Toby mumbled sarcastically as he got out of bed, he felt sick from earlier.

Toby struggled to get out of bed, he really didn't want to get up. However, he needed a shower, so he walked into the bathroom.

Toby turned on the shower only to be greeted with freezing cold water, he jumped back in surprise. He decided to wait until the water warmed up, in the meantime he brushed his teeth.

As he looked up into the mirror, he realized how his appearance had taken a toll. His eyes were swollen, and his voice was sore.

"Why the hell am I like this?" Toby asked himself, just overall disappointed in himself.

Toby felt like absolute shit, his head was spinning, and his eyes struggled to stay open.

"Maybe a shower will make me feel better..." he told himself, he knew he was just lying to himself. Toby doubted anything could make him feel better.


Toby had just gotten out of the shower a couple minutes ago and was drying his hair.

He groaned when he began to brush his hair, Stupid long hair.

Even though his long hair fit Toby perfectly, he thought otherwise. It doesn't even look good on me, and it just gets in my eyes.

Toby thought many times about cutting his long hair but was too lazy to ever get around to it. Suddenly he heard the phone ring, Toby put it on speaker as he struggled to get the knots out of his hair.

"Toby?" Fit asked, "Yeah?" Toby replied with slight frustration in his voice.

"Toby, I saw what happened." Fit said, Toby finished brushing his hair however he didn't respond.

"Tob- '' Fit started but was cut off, "It feels like everyone did, I know he didn't mean to reject me. But it feels like he did it in the harshest way possible."

"I just feel like an actual idiot for thinking I had a chance in the first place. I'm just left with self-pity; I don't know what to think!" Toby explained as Fit listened without saying a word.

"It hurt because he didn't even know it did, it hurt because it showed just how much he noticed my efforts." Toby said choking back tears, it felt good to speak his mind, but he didn't want to start crying.

"Maybe you're assuming the worst." Fit said, "Fit this is the worst, let's face it. This whole thing is over, it's been over. Since the very beginning." Toby said sadly, he hung up.

I don't want people to lie just to make me feel better.

Toby put his phone face down, as it started to blow up with notifications. Annoyed he simply put it on do not disturb, and silent mode. He heard his stomach rumbling; Toby hadn't eaten much.   He took the rumbling as a sign and decided to get some food, only he wanted to get out of the house so instead of delivery he chose to pick it up instead.

It was just take out, nothing fancy. Still Toby was ecstatic to get out of the house, he felt like fresh air would do him some good. Toby put his shoes on, not bothering to tie them, and sprinted out the building.

His excitement died down when he made it outside to see dark clouds forming. It's still nice out, AND it's not raining so that's a plus.

Toby enjoyed the rain, only he had just taken a shower and didn't want to have to take another one. The takeout place was only a couple blocks away, so there was no need to run or be in any type of rush. Toby took a deep breath of fresh air, only it didn't smell so fresh. In fact, it smelled like exhaust, most likely from the car that had just passed by.

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