Chapter 12: Date

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Toby woke up abruptly to the sound of an obnoxious alarm, he groaned as he rolled around in his bed.

Toby stood up on his bed, sleepily rubbing his eyes. This wasn't his usual wake up time, so naturally his body wasn't ready to wake up just yet.

Toby's alarm continued to ring, irritated Toby flipped over his phone in an attempt to turn it off. Instead, a reminder popped onto his screen, Toby jumped out of bed and into the shower.

The notification reminded him about his date later that morning, and instead of being pleasantly surprised Toby felt a sudden rush of nervousness.

Toby felt like he should've been ecstatic, and well he was. Only he felt nervous, he felt like every little decision mattered.

Toby got out of the shower feeling a little more relaxed, but then was faced with what to wear. His choice of clothing had him in a choke hold, Toby tried to think logically.

If I can't decide what to wear, I'll let the weather decide for me.

Toby opened the window and got his answer when a humid gust of air brushed through his messy hair.

Toby really only owned jeans, he still felt the need to put a little effort in his outfit.

Baggy jeans, and a plain t-shirt. It's what I would usually wear, something casual is fine. Right?

Toby quickly changed and sped walked to the kitchen. He grabbed bread out of the cupboard and popped it in the toaster, all while brushing the tangles out of his hair.

Toby was rushing through every bit of his daily routine, even though he had all the time in the world. The nervousness had died down and instead he was trying to get out of the house as soon as possible.

The expected excitement had overtaken Toby's emotions, and he jumped down the stairs. In his rush down the stairs he bumped into a young woman, she looked at him, clearly annoyed.

"Look where you're going next time!" she scowled, Toby's cheeks turned a light pink from embarrassment.

He quickly apologized to the woman, and tried his best

to keep a steady pace.

Although Toby found it more difficult than expected, he wanted to get there as fast as possible. Only people crowded the sidewalks and were walking incredibly slow.

Are they people or snails?

Toby, annoyed, slipped in between people, not caring about the nasty looks he received.

I've got somewhere to be, and I need to be there.

Once Toby finally made it past the large numbers of people, the shop came into view.

Toby sighed in relief, "Finally..." he muttered.

I'm probably early, better early than late.

As Toby unlocked the door, and wrapped his fingers around the handle there was a sudden weight on his shoulder.

Toby jumped back in surprise, startled as any normal person would be.

As Toby's heart slowed down, he looked up to see who's hand it was.

He was met with a sweet small smile, and Fred's soft and glistening eyes looking down at him kindly.

Toby felt his mind go blank, and it was like the static noise that would play on your TV. His cheeks turned a light shade of pink, like it always went when Fred was around.

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