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Opening the door there stood everyone. They turned their attention to the door ready to attack. Once they all saw who it was their body softened.

Inez stood in the doorway not knowing what to do. She covered her mouth as tears fell from her eyes. " I- Inez?" Nami could barely get the words out, there she was standing right before her.

The girl they all thought they would never see again stood right before them. Within a split second everyone ran up hugging Inez. Inez stood there in shock as she fell into their arms.

Tears were being spilled as they hugged tighter never wanting to let go.

" Thank God you're okay!" Nami cried out hugging the girl so tight she couldn't breathe, Inez didn't care though she gladly accepted it.

They all let go giving the girl some air, " Wait... YOU'RE SUPPOSED TO BE RESTING!" Chopper screamed out, he was now freaking out Inez shouldn't be walking. Inez bent down to his level patting him on the head, " Chopper I'm okay, I promise." She gave him a reassuring smile. The small reindeer looked up at her, his lip quivered and tears spilled from his eyes.
The reindeer jumped into her arms crying louder than ever. " I THOUGHT I WOULD NEVER SEE YOU AGAIN! " Chopper cried out.

Robin giggled at the sight, she was glad to see Inez. After Chopper calmed down she set him down walking over to Robin. Inez quickly hugged her, Robin doing the same they both hugged tighter. Robin rubbed the back of her head crying into her shoulder, she was really there Robin thought.

" I missed you so much." Robin whispered, " I missed you too..." Inez said back.

The two disembodied from the hug, Inez gave Robin a small but kind smile. She then walked over to Sanji giving him a tight hug. Sanji was going crazy, he felt her breast against his crest which set him off. " Can't control yourself can you?" Inez said giggling. " How can I, with someone as beautiful as you!" Sanji said as he twirled around.

She then went over to Zoro, knowing him he wasn't much of a hugger. " Missed you too." Zoro said as he rubbed her head.

Inez gave Ussop a big hug which her gave in return, " I was so worried!" Ussop cried out, " no need to worry no, I'm here and alive."

She hugged Franky and Brook, then there was Luffy.

Inez looked over at him, she could see the tears threatening to spill from his eyes. He quickly stretched his arms around her along with his legs. He was now completely wrapped around Inez, she hugged him back tightly as the two cried. " God I missed you so much Luffy."

" I missed you too, I'm sorry I couldn't be there sooner." Luffy felt terrible about the whole thing, he should've been there sooner or paid more attention if so she would be okay and wouldn't have gotten into that mess.

" Guys can we get the hell outta here?" Inez asked, everyone looked at her and smirked.


This one is on the shorter side, but I hope you enjoyed this chapter! <3

Word count: 531

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