When Blood Meets Rubber

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Ophelia walked with Mina to the small lodge where the Straw hats were staying, she noticed that it was oddly quiet. Her plan was to meet up with them and go visit Inez, when she opened the door there was no one. She walked in and noticed a note.


I wish I could've seen you before I left, but I needed to get off this island. Thank you for everything you've done, I really appreciate it.
Terror told me all about your and mom's adventures or at least some of it. As bad as it sounds I enjoyed the story part.
He also told me about my dad, but I don't really care about that, I don't even know the man.
I do know that him and mom were madly in LOVE. Like crazy....
Weird thing is so was Terror, he was crazy obsessed with mom.
I don't even know how he knew any of that stuff he told me, kinda weird...
Glad he's gone!
I promise I'll come visit some day, and I'll be one of the most wanted pirates!
Tell Mina to follow her dream and that she can do whatever the hell she wants, even if you say no.
Ophelia I thank you for loving my mother the way you did. She truly was an amazing person.
When I visit I'll tell you all about my adventures, promise.

Much love, Inez aka Blood Killer Akari

Ophelia smiled at the note folding it and keeping it in hand. " Come dear let's go back home." She said to Mina. " Mommy where's Inez?" The small girl asked.

" Following her dream."

Mina smiled with joy, ever since she saw Inez and knew who she was, Mina adored her. She wanted to be just like her someday.

The two walked back home, and Ophelia framed the note left from Inez. She would always treasure it.

" Before we leave I need to do something." Inez said quickly hoping off the ship. " Wait where are you going?!" Nami yelled after her.

" It's a secret!" She called back. " Please don't get kidnapped, we just got you back!" Ussop yelled worried about her.

Inez giggled, " No promises!"

This put Nami and Ussop in absolute panic mode.

Inez ran through the woods until she arrived at the village. She went to a certain house knocking on the door. When the door opened there standing was Sarah.

Sarah gasped and began to cry, Inez hugged the old woman, " Thank you for everything Sarah. If not for you I don't think I would've made it out of there. " Said Inez.

" No thank you Inez, you gave us hope! And freed everyone of us! " Sarah cried out.

Inez smiled at the woman, " Me and my crew are about to set sail, but I had to come visit you. "

" Leaving so soon? I don't blame you, I know you don't like it here. Oh! Come on I have something for you!" The woman pulled Inez into her small house rushing off somewhere.

Inez stood there waiting for the woman, when she came back she had something in her hand.
It was a small handkerchief, " Here!" Sarah said as she tied it around the girl's wrist. " Just a little something of mine that I want you to have, so you'll always remember me." The woman looked up at Inez and gave her a warm smile. " Thank you." Inez said.

Last stop. Inez thought.

She knocked on the door, and a small girl opened the door. The girl gasped throwing herself onto Inez. " Thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, so so much!" The little girl cried out. " I never thought I would see my mommy or daddy again! Thanks to you we're all free!"

" Don't thank me Emi, I'm just glad you're home with your parents. " Inez rubbed the girl's hair reassuring her everything was going to be okay. Inez sat the girl down pulling something out of her pocket. It was a small knife ( not the one her mom gave her, it's an extra one that she carries with her) It was a simple knife that had roses on it, similar to the one her mother gave her but smaller.
" Here, this is now yours." Inez said handing the girl the knife. " But you need it!" Emi said trying to give her the knife back.

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