Just one more glance

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That picture is you ^^^ cause you gonna be sad in a minute 😿

" We still have nothing to go off of! How can we find her if we don't have anything to off of?! " Nami fell to her knees crying, she missed Inez dearly it had been nearly three days since she disappeared. They still knew nothing, not where she was or where she could be. For all they know she could be off the island and them not know it.

Chopper walked up to Nami and hugged her tightly, " Nami please don't cry, we'll find her, okay?" Chopper said reassuring. Nami hugged him back and thanked him.

" Emi what exactly did Inez say too you?" Robin asked. " Well, she was about to leave with us but then Terror showed up. She told me to give this to you. "

She handed them a small piece of paper that seemed to be floating?

" Then she pushed us out the door, and we all ran." Emi finished.

" A.. virve card!" Nami exclaimed.

" LET'S GO RIGHT NOW!" Luffy yelled.

" I know you're excited and we all want to see Inez, but we have no idea what we're walking into. We need to think of a plan." Said Nami.

" Nami's right, we only know this guy has some sort of earth type devil fruit, nothing more. " Sanji replied

" But I wanna see Inez now!" Luffy demanded, " We all do!" Nami yelled smacking him on the head.

Inez's screams could be heard throughout the castle, guards shuttered at her blood curtailing screams. Sure they saw Terror as their leader, but all knew he could take things too far. They stayed quiet about it scared of the outcome, sometimes they hated doing some of the things they were forced to do, but had no choice.

" STOP MAKING THIS SO DIFFICULT!" Terror yelled in anger.

" No, it's funny to see how frustrated you get." Inez said while smirking.

" Again." Said Terror.

A man walked up to Inez placing his hand over her face. Inez's eyes shot open as tears fell, her screams could be heard from all over the castle. This strange man had a power that could make you relive the darkest moments of your life, and Inez's past was dark.

The man finally let go and walked away. " I know you hate every bit of this, I know it's painful for you. SO JUST TELL ME!" Terror was more than furious, he was livid.

Inez still hadn't budge, and after everything she had been through he was surprised the young woman wasn't dead.

" Like hell I would ever tell you." Inez spat.

" All right I've about had with you girl." Terror unchained Inez and began to drag her out of the Room.

Inez had unknowingly fell unconscious, she was beyond exhausted. Terror dragged her out to the main room of the castle, of course there was a throne against the back wall. Which was covered in vines and other plants. Terror laid her in the floor while he sat in his stupid chair.

It was quiet, not a single sound was made. The guards stood by the main door scared if one movement would set off Terror. Terror sat in his chair just staring at Inez.

Inez slowly sat up rubbing her head. What the hell? She thought. She looked around unfamiliar of her surroundings, she looked behind her to see the main door. This is where she fought Terror earlier but now the room was somewhat normal. Not rocks or anything just a whole bunch of plants. " Good you're awake." She looked over and saw Terror.

" Why'd you take me here?" Inez demanded.

" To kill you of course." An evil smirk plastered his face, it shook Inez to the core.

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