Running like there's no tomorrow

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The crew ran up to Inez, " Is she okay?!" Nami began to cry. Seeing her friend hurt this bad reminded her of her mother.

Chopper felt her pulse, it was small but there.
" We have to get her to the village now!" Chopper demanded.

Luffy picked her up carefully not wanting to hurt her anymore than she already is.

" She did all of this?" Zoro questioned, he looked around the room it was a bloody show. Blood covered almost every single inch of the wall, and beside the door laid two guards, it appeared. Well at least what was left of them, not too far you could see some of their remains which were scattered across the room.

" Woah, Inez is scary.." Ussop chirped.

" I agree, she really is what everyone calls her. Blood Killer Akari...." Said Franky, he loved Inez but this was scary.

" I- is that Terror?" Ussop asked scared out of his wits. Almost right beside Inez laid the lifeless body of Tremor D Terror, the man who onces ruled this island was no more.

Blood continued to spill from the holes scattered among his body, his eyes were closed but you could tell he was terrified before he left this world.

" Yup." Sanji spoke up, " Piece of shit deserved whatever he got. Kidnapping Inez and those poor people. For years people wondered why people randomly went missing and the cause was this monster. " The man truly disgusted Sanji, how could someone do something so horrendous to such a beautiful lady like Inez?
He truly was a monster.

Sanji looked over at Inez's body, her beauty was infact still there. She looked so beaten, yet so beautiful. Her red ruffled shirt which no longer contained it ruffles and her tight black pants which had holes all over. Her combat boots were no where to be seen.

Her angelic face had bruises and cuts all over, her soft arms covered in blood. Anywhere that you could see skin there would be blood or bruising. Her hair which was as dark as the bottom of the ocean and felt like silk never changed. Sanji went over the girls beauty, even like this she still was gorgeous he thought.

" What should we do about this?" Nami asked, she didn't know if they should leave this place like this or not. " I say we leave the place or destroy it leaving their body's which don't deserve to be buried. " Zoro said, a monster like Terror didn't deserve to have a proper burial.

Luffy looked down at the girl in his arms, a small tear fell from his eye. How? How could be so careless and let something happen like this? He was so angry with himself he didn't know what to do. His tighted his grip on Inez never wanting to let go again.

Robin placed her hand on Luffy's shoulder giving him a reassuring smile that everything was going to be okay. Standing beside Luffy she got a better look at Inez, she gasped covering her mouth. She quickly looked away not being able to look how beaten the girl was.

" Let's leave and get the attention Inez needs, the longer we stay the longer Inez is at risk." Nami said deliberately.

Everyone agreed quickly leaving and heading to the village. " You guys go ahead me and love cook will catch up." Zoro said.

The crew nodded knowing that Sanji and Zoro would take care of this mess. After they were far enough away they tore the place down.

Sanji kicking with anger and Zoro slicing with anger. They let an important person get hurt, knowing she would be okay now they let their anger loose. The anger at themselves the anger at Terror, just anger.

Afterwards there was nothing left but ruble, the place disgusted them. Knowing the truth behind this place made them rage with disgust and anger.

The others made it to town rushing to the small hospital the town had. The doctors there ushered them to follow so they did. Luffy laid her carefully on the bed, doctors pushed the crew out except for chopper of course, seeing as he was a doctor with extreme knowledge they needed him.

" Why can't we stay with her?!" Luffy began to panic, he just got her back and he couldn't even see her. " Luffy calm down, she's in extreme condition the doctors need space we would only be getting in the way." Nami said trying to calm down her captain.

" We should go tell Ophelia." Ussop said.

" Let's do that, we'll go get Ophelia and come back and wait. Sound good Luffy?" Nami said.

" No I'm waiting here." That was all Luffy said.

Nami sighed, " alright then, we'll meet back up with you in a bit."

Robin, Nami, Brook, Ussop and Franky left leaving Luffy waiting.

After two hours the doctors including chopper walked out. " She's okay." Chopper said to the crew and Ophelia.

" Great let's go see her!" Luffy got up and started walking away. " Wait Luffy! She's asleep she needs rest, when she wakes up that's when we can see her." Chopper quickly stopped him before something bad happened.

" So he's really dead?" Ophelia asked.

" Yup, bastard got what he deserved all those poor people being trapped there for years including Inez." Sanji said.

" Chopper how was Inez? Was she hurt bad?" Brook asked, they never got informed on the girls condition.

" Well she'll be okay now but she was in critical condition. She lost a lot of blood and overworked herself to the limit. There's no telling all the terrible things that monster did to her." Chopper was heartbroken, he never wanted to see his friend like that again.

The crew was settled in for the night at the small lodge they had been staying at since they came here. In the morning they planned to get Inez and get the hell off this island.

" Thank you all for what you've done, you freed this island we can now live in peace knowing that monster is gone." Ophelia was eternally grateful for the straw hats especially Inez. The people could now rest easy and be free to do what they wanted. The small town had found out the sacrifice Inez made shortly after they found her.

~ Time skip brought to you by the fact I'm up at 1 am doing this~

" Inez dear wake up, don't turn over and ignore me! Fine.... You can sleep for a little longer, next time I come in here you better be up!" It sounded like her mother? She seemed so close yet so far, was this a dream?

Inez shot up gasping for air, what the hell was that she thought.

Her mother? It seemed so real, yet so fake.

She looked around wondering where she was, thinking back to the last thing she remembered. There was Terror... Then.... Luffy!

She quickly got out of bed ignoring the pain, she quietly opened the door making sure the coast was clear. Running out of what appeared to be a small hospital, she ran and ran.

It was night, the only thing lighting her path was the moonlight. The same moon that resembled her grey eyes and shined just as bright. She felt her bare feet on the dirt, then grass. Waves crashed against the shore, cicadas singing, the cool breeze blowing against the trees. Inez could hear it all, she didn't know why she was so focused on her surroundings but she was. Her white gown moving with the wind as she ran, her body was moving on its own she couldn't stop.

She needed to see them, to make sure they were safe. Running like there was no tomorrow she finally stopped. In front of her was a small lodge in a field of flowers. This was the only normal part of the island, flowers every and right in the middle was a lodge.

Unknowingly she reached for the handle, shaking uncontrollably she slowly twisted the knob pushing open the door.


It's literally 1 am what am I doing with my life....

Not that I have one.

Anyways hope you enjoyed <3

Word count: 1366

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