Chapter 27

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Clarke's scream was one of both anger and anguish. Even if Madi had yelled out in pain, Bellamy wouldn't have heard her. Not over Clarke. Bellamy could hear the rage in her voice echoing all around them. The men surrounding her hesitated at the sound of her voice. It was only for a split second, but it was enough time for Clarke to react. The instincts from her years of fighting to survive took over every move she made.

In a matter of seconds, Clarke killed all five of the men surrounding her without a second thought. Bellamy wasn't far from them, but the almost 30 feet between them felt more like miles. The closer he sprinted towards them, the more realization washed over him. The Clarke in front of him was not the troubled girl he spent the last couple weeks with. He wasn't even looking at Wanheda, he was looking at someone he'd never seen before.

Madi was the most precious person to Clarke and watching her bleeding unconscious on the ground broke something in Clarke. When he got close enough to her, Bellamy went to Clarke's name but before he could she whipped around to him. If he had reacted any slower he would've caught her sword directly in the center of his chest.

"Clarke, stop it's me Bellamy," he yelled as he held his hands up in front of himself.

No emotion crossed Clarke's face, and Bellamy wasn't even sure she registered that it was him. The only sign she did hear him, was the fact she lowered her sword to her side.

"Take Madi and get her to my mother."

"Clarke..." Bellamy trailed off as he was interrupted.

"Now Bellamy. I don't have time to hear your objections. Take her and don't let anything else happen to her."

A slight wave of concern crossed Clarke's face, but was gone just as quickly as it came. Bellamy let out a sigh as Clarke regarded him with such an emotionless stare. If anything else happened to Madi, he didn't know what it would do to Clarke.

He lifted Madi off the ground as gently as he could, trying not to cause her anymore pain. Going against every instinct in his body telling him to stay, he turned on his heels and took off running. Without so much as even a glance back, his only focus was making sure Madi would be okay. He could only hope that Clarke would be too.


Octavia had made her way to the other side of the clearing in search of Indra. She found her crouched behind the wall of an unfinished house. With Indra were two other warriors also from Triku. Both were looking to Indra, waiting for any sort of command. All three saw Octavia running towards them, and as she was closing in an arrow grazed her left arm.

Octavia dropped to the ground next to Indra. "Well shit, that actually kind of hurt." She looked at her arm where there was already blood trailing down towards her hand. The cut wasn't deep and didn't need any sort of attention, Octavia turned her attention to Indra.

"Let me guess, those arrows are why you're stuck behind this wall?" She asked Indra, already knowing the answer.

"I can't tell where they're shooting from. They're using the trees as cover."

"They can't be that far inside the tree line or they wouldn't be able to see us." Octavia looked over the edge of the wall only to have an arrow fly over here a few seconds later. "Whoever it is has terrible aim."

"We need to draw them out of the trees or we'll never be able to kill them."

Octavia gave Indra a quick nod. "I'll draw them out and you shoot them, Indra." Even after her years of training, Octavia's aim doesn't even come close to Indra's.

Indra gave her a quick nod and Octavia took off in a sprint. She could feel a few arrows fly past her as she ran across the field. One arrow made contact with her left shoulder causing her to stumble, but she managed to stay on her feet. Octavia quickly came to stop when she heard her name being called. She turned around to see the bodies of two men lifeless on the ground about twenty feet from where they had been hiding.

The moment she stopped running her shoulder started throbbing with pain. Octavia knew the pain didn't actually just start, but the adrenaline from her running immediately disappeared the moment she stopped. Looking down at her shoulder and seeing the lack of blood, she knew she would be completely fine. Reaching over her shoulder, Octavia broke off the tip of the arrow that was barely sticking out. Pulling out the arrow was going to hurt like a bitch, but running around with an arrow sticking out her body just wasn't an option. Taking a deep breath in, Octavia pulled out the arrow in one quick motion.

"We need to move now. Clarke has her hands full." Octavia turned around at the sound of Indra's voice to see her sword pointed off to the right. She shifted her gaze to that direction, where Clarke was starting to become surrounded. The group took off running towards Clarke, but when they got closer what they saw both left them in awe and horrified them.

They watched in awe as Clarke struck down man after man with one single blow. Each one of strikes were with a level of precision that not a single one of her opponents could avoid. Even as they watched two go at her at the same time, Clarke managed to pull the knife from her hip, throwing it with her left hand just before striking with the sword in her other hand. The horrifying part was the blank look across her face. Her eyes were completely empty, no anger or sadness filled them. They were completely emotionless. Neither Octavia or Indra could bring themselves to take any more steps closer.

"She's ruthless," Indra watched Clarke in awe. "I don't think I've seen anyone fight like that before."

Behind them Octavia noticed the sound of shooting had entirely stopped, and she no longer heard the sounds of people fighting. She turned around to see that most of the prisoners from the ship were scattered lifeless across the field. The last few that were still alive dropped their weapons, surrendering themselves. When Octavia turned back around to Clarke, she saw a completely different scene than before, and a completely different Clarke.

There were no more men left for Clarke to fight. They all laid lifeless at her feet, almost in a perfect circle. If it had been any other situation Octavia would have thought it was slightly beautiful. She watched as Clarke collapsed to her knees, her body slumped as the adrenaline had already begun to leave her body. Octavia jumped towards Clarke, but quickly stopped when she heard Bellamy yell Clarke's name from behind her.

Clarke turned at the sound of her name, but didn't make any attempt to get up from her spot on the ground. Tears streamed down her face, mixing with blood as they did. The sight was heartbreaking and something that Bellamy hoped he would never have to see again. He rushed over to her as he carefully avoided the bodies that surrounded her. Clarke allowed her body to slump into Bellamy's as she felt his arms wrap around. It was the one place that will truly feel like home to her, in Bellamy's arms. Her silent tears turned loud, gut wrenching sobs that could be heard across the entire field. Bellamy crushed her body into his own and continued to repeat the same sentence.

"It's over now, you can finally rest."

Clarke continued to cry as she listened to Bellamy mutter that sentence over and over again. She only stopped when the exhaustion finally took over, dragging her unconscious.

The thought of Clarke actually being to rest lifted a small weight off his shoulders. He let out a breath he hadn't realized he was even holding as he watched the broken girl in his arms. If you removed all the blood off her face she almost looked peaceful. All Bellamy wanted to do was take Clarke to bed and let the exhaustion pull him unconscious too, but he wouldn't get the luxury. The fighting might have been over, but it was only the start of a long and hard recovery.

Instead he picked up Clarke and gently carried her to bed. Never once taking his eyes off her as he walked. Bellamy wasn't going to let her out of his sight. He refused to lose his princess, not again. Never again.

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