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"Alright, last call folks. It's early tonight, I am sorry." Joe said to the people in the bar. They both looked at each other, their eyes wide and suddenly they began to laugh again. They kept talking as people left the bar and it was when Joe stopped refilling their drinks that they finally stopped talking. Their eyes were glued against each other, and he gave her that smile again, one that made her legs go weak and her stomach twist. All she could do was smile back, and that made his heart hammer against his ribs.

This was it. The moment that had been haunting his dreams, the second that he had dreamed of for so long. His eyes moved to her lips, and he saw a light sheen of pink. He knew she had gotten a new lip-gloss; he had tasted it the last time she had kissed him, outside the hospital, crying in the rain. He wanted to taste it again.

She looked down to his lips, the breath escaping her throat. She was more drunk than him and way past her limit, so she could not control herself from leaning forward. He did too and their eyes met for a moment, before splitting again to gaze at each other's lips. Their noses touched and it was electrifying. His breath was gone, his heart pounding out of control.

Their lips mushed gently together, fitting perfectly, and he so desperately was satisfied. The smell of her hair filled his lungs and the entire world melted away. He had no worries, no complaints, and no regrets. They pulled away and their noses were still touching as their eyes locked. They instantly grinned and he watched her bit her lip, letting her tounge rub off his saliva.

"Do you want to get out of here?" He asked, his cool, minty breath gracing her lungs. She nodded and they stood up, smiles and laughter sounding in the bar. He pulled out his wallet and faced Joe.

"200, together or separate?" Joe asked, taking their glasses.

"Together." He said, placing a few extra twenties on the bar. Joe nodded and took it while Derek turned to her. She immediately reached out her hand and he took it, walking to the door. She let go for a moment as he pulled on his jacket and they left the bar, severely drunk and stumbling but still lost in each other's eyes.

"You didn't have to pay for my tab too." She sighed as they got up the stairs. He shook his head, shrugging to her. "I didn't mind."

"I didn't either." She said, making them both laugh in the middle of the street. "Where are we going?"

"We are too drunk to drive and The Archfeild is right around the corner." He mumbled, squeezing her hand. She nodded and curled herself into his arm, gripping his bicep with her free hand. Her laughter filled the dimly lit, empty streets and he was lost in her eyes again as they walked through the lobby to the receptionist's desk.

"Do you have any rooms available?" He asked, succeeding at sounding sober.

"Just a suite, sir." The woman said, smiling at him.

"We'll take it." He grinned, handing her his card. She gave it back to him along with a room key and he tugged Meredith onto the elevator. The second it shut; she smiled wide at him, but he laughed as her teeth chattered. He grinned and grabbed both of her hands, bringing them to his mouth and blowing hot air against her palms. The elevator opened to a small hallway with only 4 spaced out rooms.

She grabbed the key card from his hands and ran down the hall with him. She slid in the card and pushed open the door. He took of her coat hurriedly and let the heavy cloth drop on the floor with a soft thud. She placed the key card on the counter and when she turned back to him, his breath was warm against her face.

He gripped her face with his hands and pressed her against the door. Their kisses drowned out their laughter and their tongues slid into each other's mouths. He was infatuated by her, and he finally had her all to himself. He tasted that strawberry lip gloss and his hands ran through her smooth hair, making her smile while he kissed her. Her hands were pressed against his chest, and she felt his heartbeat through his clothes, and it matched her own.

"Finally." He breathed as his hands went down to her waist. Her hands moved up and played with his collar, gripping it gently. A gentle moan escaped her mouth between kisses, and she ran her fingers through his hair. He was perfect and his hair was wonderful, and thick and she gripped it hard, making a laugh escape his throat.

After a while, he broke away from her lips and she held his jaw, stroking it with her thumbs as they laughed into each other's mouths. They both were panting and he reached for the button on her jeans. She grinned and nodded as he unzipped her jeans. She gently ran her hands down to the hem of his sweater. She pushed it up and he pulled hers up too. They took them off each other and he pulled her against the wall, off the door and she was giggling into his ear as she kicked off her jeans. His hands travelled further down her body and he hoisted her up, letting her legs wrap around his torso.

His hands held her thighs and she smiled, unbuttoning his shirt and moaning as he kissed her neck. He groaned as he sat her on a desk and she pushed off his sleeves, taking off his shirt. She dropped it behind him, and his hands pulled off her as he quickly searched for the buttons on his khakis. He did one by one, the kisses she left against his neck quickly distracting him. He groaned as he undid his fly, and she immediately pushed his pants down.

Picking her up again, he kissed her collarbone, making her sigh into his ear, a soft "more" escaping her mouth. He smiled against her skin, and she steered him to the end of the bed. His knees buckled and as she settled on his lap. Her hands were on his shoulders, and he grinned, holding her waist.

His hands roamed her body, ravaging her skin until every piece of her neck and torso was touched over her bra. He looked up at her for a slightest moment, and she nodded, locking her eyes with his. His smile only widened and his right hand went around her body, his left one pulling her down to touch her cheek.

She felt her bra pinch and then loosen and she moaned when his lips collided with her cleavage. His teeth tugged her bra off her chest and his fingertips pulled the straps down her skin.

She gasped, her head going back in pure pleasure. He was hard beneath her and she felt it as he pressed himself upwards. He gently picked her up, crawling into bed together. She tugged the duvet cover over them and he kissed her deeply. His body rested comfortably between her legs and she grinned, feeling his tongue in her mouth. He held himself over her and she scratched his stubble, making him let out a soft chuckle.

Her hands trailed down to his torso and she felt his boxer briefs are the tips of her fingers. He kissed her lips and they broke it off, laughing as her fingers pushed the cloth down his thighs.

He tugged it off and pulled off her panties, and they both moaned soft into each other's mouths. They were naked in each other's arms and it couldn't ever feel better. Her fingers tangled in his hair while he kissed her again.

Their moans became louder and he was grateful that the bed was heavy enough not to make too much noise. The feeling of her nails against his back made him grin, and soon enough their breathes came out short and heavy.

They didn't stop and she chewed on his neck hard, an almost-scream escaping her mouth. He couldn't stop smiling as he buried his face into her neck. He was there, heaven and he gently pulled her hands off his torso, holding them above her head. Their foreheads met and their eyes told each other everything they needed to know. Their smiles soon spread so wide and their fingers gripped each other's, and they rolled over, exhausted and happy.

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